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Skaggs, R. R.
view article (1.0)Assessment of the Fire Suppression Mechanics for HFC-227ea Combined With NaHCO3.Army Research Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MDNIST SP 984, June 2002,Halon Options Technical Working Conference, 12th. Proceedings. HOTWC 2002. April 30-May 2, 2002, Albuquerque, NM, Gann, R. G.; Reneke, P. A., Editors, 1-11 p., 2002Babushok, V. I.; McNesby, K. L.; Miziolek, A. W.; Skaggs, R. R.
view article (1.0)Modeling of Synergistic Effects in Flame Inhibition by 2-H Heptafluoropropane Blended With Sodium Bicarbonate. Brief Communication.National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD; Army Research Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MDCombustion and Flame, Vol. 133, No. 1/2, 201-205, April 2003Bennett, J. M.; Skaggs, R. R.
view article (1.0)Ballistic Evaluation of Fire Panel Fuel Tank Protection Device for Military Vehicles: Update.Bennettech LLC, Hendersonville, TN; Army Research Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MDPaper 29; HOTWC 2005; NIST SP 984-3; NIST Special Publication 984-3,Halon Options Technical Working Conference, 15th Proceedings. HOTWC 2005. Sponsored by: 3M Specialty Materials, Boeing, Chemical Development Studies, Inc., DuPont Fire Extinguishants, Halon Alternative Research Corp., Hughes Associates, Inc., Kidde-Fenwal, Inc., Sandia National Laboratories, SEVO Systems, Next Generation Fire Suppression Technology Program. May 24-26, 2005, Albuquerque, NM, 1-15 p., 2005McNesby, K. L.; Miziolek, A. W.; Nguyen, T.; Delucia, F. C.; Skaggs, R. R.; Litzinger, T. A.
view article (1.0)Experimental and Computational Studies of Oxidizer and Fuel Side Addition of Ethanol to Opposed Flow Air/Ethylene Flames.Army Research Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD; Pennsylvania State Univ., State CollegeCombustion and Flame, Vol. 142, No. 4, 413-427, September 2005McNesby, K. L.; Skaggs, R. R.; Miziolek, A. W.; Clay, M.; Hoke, S. H.; Miser, C. S.
view article (1.0)Diode-Laser-Based Measurements of Hydrogen Fluoride Gas During Chemical Suppression of Fires.Army Research Lab., Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD; Aberdeen Test Center, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MDApplied Physics B, Vol. 67, 443-447, 1998Skaggs, R. R.; Daniel, R. G.; Miziolek, A. W.; McNesby, K. L.; Herud, C.; Bolt, W. R.; Horton, D.
view article (1.0)Diode Laser Measurements of HF Concentrations From Heptane/Air Pan Fires Extinguished by FE-36 and FE-36 Plus Ammonium Polyphosphate.Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC; Army Aberdeen Test Center, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MDAdvanced Sensors and Monitors for Process Industries and the Environment. Proceedings. Volume 3535. International Society for Optical Engineering: Photonics East, 1999. January 22, 1999, deGroot, W. A., Editors, 156-166 p., 1999Skaggs, R. R.; Daniel, R. G.; Miziolek, A. W.; McNesby, K. L.
view article (1.0)Spectroscopic Studies on Inhibited Opposed Flow Propane/Air Flames.Army Research Lab., Aberdeen Proving Ground, MDCPIA Publication 685,JANNAF (Joint Army-Navy-NASA-Air Force) Combustion Subcommittee (CS), 35th and Propulsion Systems Hazards Subcommittee (PSHS) Meeting, 17th. Joint Sessions. Proceedings. December 7-11, 1998, Tucson, AZ, 171-178 p., 1998Skaggs, R. R.; Daniel, R. G.; Miziolek, A. W.; McNesby, K. L.
view article (1.0)Spectroscopic Studies of Inhibited Opposed Flow Propane/Air Flames.Army Research Lab., Aberdeen Proving Ground, MDCombustion Institute, 1st Joint Meeting of the U.S. Sections: Western States, Central States, Eastern States. Proceedings. March 14-17, 1999, Washington, DC, 575-578 p., 1999Daniel, R. G.; McNesby, K. L.; Skaggs, R. R.; Sagear, P.; Miziolek, A. W.
view article (1.0)Spectroscopy of Inhibited Counterflow Diffusion Flames.Army Research Lab., Aberdeen Proving Ground, MDCPIA-Publ-662-Vol-2,JANNAF (Joint Army-Navy-NASA-Air Force) Combustion Subcommittee (CS), 34th. Proceedings. October 27-30, 1997, West Palm Beach, FL, 1997Skaggs, R. R.; McNesby, K. L.; Daniel, R. G.; Homan, B.; Miziolek, A. W.
view article (1.0)Spectroscopic Studies of Low Pressure Opposed Flow Methane/Air Flames Inhibited by FE(CO)5, CF3Br or N2.Army Research Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MDCombustion Science and Technology, Vol. 162, No. 1, 1-17, 2001