FireDOC Search

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  • Elliot, P. J.; Whiteley, R. H.
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    Measurement of Smoke Production From Electrical Wires Under Conditions of Current Overload.
    Raychem Ltd., Swindon, UK
    Fire and Materials. 6th International Conference and Exhibition. Proceedings. Interscience Communications Limited. February 22-23, 1999, San Antonio, TX, 1-6 p., 1999

  • Elliot, P. J.; Whiteley, R. H.
    view article (1.0)

    Measurement of Smoke Production From Electrical Wires Under Conditions of Current Overload.
    Raychem Ltd., UK
    Volume 2,
    Interscience Communications Ltd.; National Institute of Standards and Technology; Building Research Establishment; and Society of Fire Protection Engineers; Swedish National Testing and Research Institute. Interflam 1999. (Interflam '99). International Interflam Conference, 8th Proceedings. Volume 2. June 29-July 1, 1999, Interscience Communications Ltd., London, England, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1361-1366 p., 1999

  • Staggs, J. E. J.; Whiteley, R. H.
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    Modelling the Combustion of Solid-Phase Fuels in cone Calorimeter Experiments.
    Raychem Ltd., Swindon, UK
    Fire and Materials, Vol. 23, 63-69, March/April 1999

  • Leung, C. H.; Staggs, J. E. J.; Brindley, J.; McIntosh, A. C.; Whiteley, R. H.
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    Effects of an Inert Central Core on the Thermal Pyrolysis of an Electrical Cable.
    Leeds Univ., Yorkshire, UK; Raychem Ltd., Wiltshire, UK
    Fire Safety Journal, Vol. 34, No. 2, 143-168, March 2000

  • Elliot, P. J.; Whiteley, R. H.
    view article (1.0)

    Measurement of Smoke Production From Electrical Wires Under Conditions of Current Overload.
    Raychem Ltd., UK
    Fire and Materials, Vol. 24, No. 6, 259-263, November/December 2000

  • Whiteley, R. H.
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    Smoke Production Properties and Measurement.
    Technical Consultant, UK
    Hazards of Combustion Products: Toxicity, Opacity, Corrosivity and Heat Release. Proceedings. November 10-11, 2008, Interscience Communications, London, England, London, England, Babruaskas, V.; Gann, R. G.; Grayson, S., Editors, 185-196 p., 2008