FireDOC Search

displaying 11 - 20 results in total 1929

  • Bell, J. R.
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    Investigation Report of the Fire at Stouffer's Inn of Westchester Harrison, New York.
    National Fire Protection Assoc., Quincy, MA
    Fire Journal, Vol. 76, No. 3, 37-41,44-49,52-54, May 1982
    Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DC; National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD,

  • Commander Operational Test and Evaluation Force
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    Operational Evaluation of the Halon 1301 Fixed Fire Protection System for CV Machinery Spaces.
    Commander Operational Test and Evaluation Force, Norfolk, VA
    526-OT-IIC, December 1980, 26 p.

  • Bryan, J. L.; DiNenno, P. J.
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    Human Behavior in a Hospital Fire.
    Maryland Univ., College Park
    Fire Journal, Vol. 73, No. 3, 82-87,126,127, May 1979
    National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD,

  • Francis, R. L.
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    Simple Graphical Procedure to Estimate the Minimum Time to Evacuate a Building.
    Florida Univ., Gainesville
    National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD, SFPE TR 79-05, 12 p.

  • Loftus, E. F.
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    Words that Could Save Your Life.
    Washington Univ., Seattle
    Psychology Today, Vol. 13, No. 9, 102-137, November 1979
    National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD,

  • Kennett, E. W.
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    AIA Research Foundation, Washington, DC
    National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD; Veterans Admin., Washington, DC; Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DC; Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, DC; Department of Labor, Washington, DC, NBS GCR 82-383, March 1982,
    Life Safety and the Handicapped, 1980 Conference. Final Report. October 26-20, 1980, Washington, DC, Kennett, E. W., Editors, 116 p., 1982

  • Groner, N. E.
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    Matter of Time: A Comprehensive Guide to Fire Emergency Planning. Final Report.
    Department of Fire Protection Engineering, College Park, MD
    National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD; Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, DC, NBS GCR 82-408, November 1982, 117 p.

  • Kisko, T. M.; Francis, R. L.
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    Network Models of Building Evacuation: Development of Software Systems. Final Report. Year One.
    Florida Univ., Gainesville
    National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD, NBS GCR 82-417, December 1982, 13 p.

  • Jones, B. K.; Hewitt, J. A.
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    Leadership and Group Formation in High-Rise Building Evacuations.
    National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario; dh Access Research Assoc., Ottawa, Canada
    NRCC 25924; IRC Paper 1377,
    International Asociation for Fire Safety Science. Fire Safety Science. Proceedings. 1st International Symposium. October 7-11, 1985, Hemisphere Publishing Corp., NY, Gaithersburg, MD, Grant, C. E.; Pagni, P. J., Editors, 513-522 p., 1986

  • Kagawa, M.; Kose, S.; Morishita, Y.
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    Movement of People on Stairs During Fire Evacuation Drill: Japanese Experience in a High Rise Office Building.
    Building Research Institute, Ibarak, Japan
    International Association for Fire Safety Science. Fire Safety Science. Proceedings. 1st International Symposium. October 7-11, 1985, Hemisphere Publishing Corp., NY, Gaithersburg, MD, Grant, C. E.; Pagni, P. J., Editors, 533-540 p., 1986