FireDOC Search

displaying 11 - 20 results in total 1101

  • Brannigan, F. L.; Bright, R. G.; Jason, N. H.
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    Fire Investigation Handbook.
    National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD
    Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DC, NBS Handbook 134, August 1980, 197 p.

  • Delaney, C. L.
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    Technology Forecasting: Aircraft Hazard Detection.
    Air Force Aero Propulsion Lab., Wright-Patterson AFB, OH
    Technological Forecasting and Social Changes, Vol. 5, No. 3, 249-252, 1973

  • Lee, J. H. S.
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    On the Classification of Flammable Gases, Vapors and Dusts.
    McGill Univ., Montreal, Canada
    National Materials Advisory Board. Explosion Hazard Classification of Vapors, Gases, and Dusts. July 15-18, 1986., Washington, DC, 25-39 p., 1987

  • Phillips, H.
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    Comparison of 'Standard' Methods for the Determination of Maximum Experimental Safe Gap (MESG).
    Health and Safety Executive, Buston, England
    National Materials Advisory Board. Explosion Hazard Classification of Vapors, Gases, and Dusts. July 15-18, 1986., Washington, DC, 83-108 p., 1987

  • Steen, H.
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    Explosion Hazard Classification Explosion Safety Parameters and Relevant Measurement Techniques Applied in FR Germany. Part 1. Legislation, Administrative Procedures, Safety Principles, Vapors.
    Physikalische-Technische Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig, West Germany
    National Materials Advisory Board. Explosion Hazard Classification of Vapors, Gases, and Dusts. July 15-18, 1986., Washington, DC, 141-158 p., 1987

  • Hattwig, M.
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    Explosion Hazard Classification, Explosion Safety Parameters, and Relevant Measurement Techniques Applied in the Federal Republic of Germany. Part 2. Combustible, Unstable and Strongly Oxidizing Gases, Combustible Dusts.
    Bundesanstalt fur Materialprufung, Berlin, West Germany
    National Materials Advisory Board. Explosion Hazard Classification of Vapors, Gases, and Dusts. July 15-18, 1986., Washington, DC, 159-179 p., 1987

  • Eckhoff, R. K.
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    Measurement of Explosion Violence of Dust Clouds.
    Chr. Michelsen Inst., Bergen, Norway
    National Materials Advisory Board. Explosion Hazard Classification of Vapors, Gases, and Dusts. July 15-18, 1986., Washington, DC, 181-204 p., 1987

  • Pineau, J. P.; Chaineaux, J.; Movilliat, P.; Ronchail, G.
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    Explosion Hazard Classification and Testing Methods in France for Gases, Vapors, Liquids, Dusts and Solids.
    Centre d' Charbonnages de France, Halatte
    National Materials Advisory Board. Explosion Hazard Classification of Vapors, Gases, and Dusts. July 15-18, 1986., Washington, DC, 205-244 p., 1987

  • Hirano, T.
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    Activities in Japan for Classification of Flammable Vapors, Gases, and Dusts in Japan.
    Tokyo Univ., Japan
    National Materials Advisory Board. Explosion Hazard Classification of Vapors, Gases, and Dusts. July 15-18, 1986., Washington, DC, 253-274 p., 1987

  • Kuchta, J. M.
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    Investigation of Fire and Explosion Accidents in the Chemical, Mining, and Fuel-Related Industries--A Manual.
    Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, PA
    Bulletin 680, 1985, 90 p.