FireDOC Search

displaying 11 - 20 results in total 78

  • Saitoh, T.
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    Investigation of the Diffusion Flame Around a Porous Cylinder Under Conditions of Natural Convection.
    Tohoku Univ., Sendai, Japan
    Combustion and Flame, Vol. 36, 233-244, 1979

  • Hasemi, Y.
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    Numerical Simulation of the Natural Convection in Fire Compartment.
    Building Research Institute, Japan
    U.S./Japan Government Cooperative Program on Natural Resources (UJNR). Panel on Fire Research and Safety. Volume 5. Fire Modeling. October 19-22, 1976, Tokyo, Japan, 1-61 p., 1976

  • Tanaka, T.
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    Mathematical Model of a Compartment Fire.
    Building Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan
    U.S./Japan Government Cooperative Program on Natural Resources (UJNR). Panel on Fire Research and Safety. Volume 5. Fire Modeling. October 19-22, 1976, Tokyo, Japan, 1-44 p., 1976

  • Ross, H. D.; Schiller, D. N.; Disimile, P.; Sirignano, W. A.
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    Behavior in Normal and Reduced Gravity of an Enclosed Liquid/Gas System With Nonuniform Heating From Above. Technical Memorandum.
    National Aeronautics and Space Admin., Cleveland, OH; Cincinnati Univ., OH; California Univ., Irvine
    National Aeronautics and Space Admin., Washington, DC, NASA TM-10147; AIAA-89-0070, 1989, 12 p.
    American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 27th. January 9-12, 1989, Reno, NV, 1989

  • Ronney, P. D.
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    On the Mechanisms of Flame Propagation Limits and Extinguishment Processes at Microgravity.
    Princeton Univ., NJ
    Combustion Institute, Symposium (International) on Combustion, 22nd. August 14-19, 1988, Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, Seattle, WA, 1615-1623 p., 1989

  • Engel, R. K.; Mueller, W. K.
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    Analytical Investigation of Natural Convection in Vertical Channels.
    Army, Washington, DC; New York Univ., University Heights
    ASME-67-HT-16, 1967, 17 p.
    American Society of Mechanical Engineers. AIChE-ASME Heat Transfer Conference and Exhibit. August 6-9, 1967, Seattle, WA, 1967

  • Catton, I.; Edwards, D. K.
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    Effect of Side Walls on Natural Convection Between Horizontal Plates Heated From Below.
    Douglas Aircraft Co., Inc., Santo Monica, CA; California Univ., Los Angeles
    Journal of Heat Transfer, 1-5, 1967
    Paper 67-HT-04,

  • Doria, M. L.
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    Fire and Smoke Spread in a Corridor: The Pre-Heat Period, 2-D Parabolic Flows. Technical Report.
    Notre Dame Univ., IN
    National Science Foundation, Washington, DC, NSF RA E 74-065, February 15, 1974, 42 p.

  • Ozoe, H.; Yamamoto, K.; Churchill, S. W.; Sayama, H.
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    Three-Dimensional, Numerical Analysis of Laminar Natural Convection in a Confined Fluid Heated From Below.
    Okayama Univ., Japan; Pennsylvania Univ., Philadelphia
    Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 98, No. 2, Series C, 202-207, May 1976

  • Becker, H. A.; Liang, D.
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    Visible Length of Vertical Free Turbulent Diffusion Flames.
    Queen's Univ., Ontario, Canada
    Combustion and Flame, Vol. 32, 115-137, 1978
    Paper 18,
    Combustion Institute/Eastern States Section. Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion. Fall Technical Meeting, 1976. November 18-19, 1976, Philadelphia, PA, 1-58 p., ['1976', '1978']