displaying 11 - 13 results in total 13
Foppe, T. L.; Stahlnecker, E.
view article (1.0)Fire Risk Assessments at Rocky Flats Plant.EG&G Rocky Flats, Inc., Golden, COPSAM-II Proceedings. An International Conference Devoted to the Advancement of System-Based Methods for the Design and Operation of Technological Systems and Processes. Volume 3. Sessions 73-108. March 20-25, 1994, San Diego, CA, Apostolakis, G. E.; Wu, J. S., Editors, 075/19-23 p., 1994Kogan, V.; Schumacher, P. M.
view article (1.0)Recommended Plutonium Release Fractions From Postulated Fires. Final Report.Battelle, Columbus, OHEG&G Rocky Flats, Inc., Golden, CO, Final Report; RFP-4876, December 1993, 104 p.Stearns, J. G.; Miley, F.
view article (1.0)Evaluation of Ternary Eutectic Fluoride as an Extinguishing Agent for Plutonium Fires.Los Alamos Scientific Lab., NMLA-3967-MS, December 5, 1966, 9 p.