FireDOC Search

displaying 11 - 20 results in total 731

  • Runes, E.
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    Explosion Venting.
    American Oil Co., Chicago, IL
    Chemical Engineering Progress. Loss Prevention. Volume 6, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, New York, 63-67 p., 1972

  • LeVine, R. Y.
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    Electrical Hazard Equipment Classification.
    Olin Mathieson Chemical Corp., New York
    Chemical Engineering Progress. Loss Prevention. Volume 2. February 1968, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, New York, St. Louis, MO, 4-9 p., 1968

  • Allan, D. S.; Athens, P.
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    Influence of Explosions on Design.
    Little, (Arthur D.) Inc., Cambridge, MA
    Chemical Engineering Progress. Loss Prevention. Volume 2. February 1968, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, New York, St. Louis, MO, 103-109 p., 1968

  • Routley, A. F.; Ludlam, N. P.
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    Investigation of the Variation of Oxygen Index of Materials With Changes in Pressure.
    AMTE Dockyard Lab., Hants, UK
    Fire and Materials, Vol. 6, No. 1, 23-26, March 1982

  • Brink, F. E.
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    Static and Dynamic Properties of Fire-Resistant Wooden Structural Elements.
    Naval Civil Engineering Lab., Port Hueneme, CA
    TR R485, October 1966, 69 p.

  • Margolin, A. D.
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    Interaction of Combustion Zones and Anomalies in the Dependence of the Burning Velocity on Pressure.
    Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, Vol. 38, No. 6, 1599-1601, 1964
    ATD U-64-102,

  • Babrauskas, V.
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    Fire-Related Standards and Testing.
    National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, DC, NASA CP-2476,
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Spacecraft Fire Safety. Proceedings of a Workshop. NASA Conference Publication 2476. August 20-21, 1986, Cleveland, OH, Margle, J. M.; Friedman, R., Editors, 31-41 p., 1986

  • Woods, F. J.; Johnson, J. E.
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    Flammability in Unusual Atmospheres. Part 2. Selected Materials in Oxygen-Nitrogen and Oxygen-Helium Mixtures at Pressures Up to 315 PSIA.
    Naval Research Lab., Washington, DC
    NRL 6606; RR 010-01-44-5850, September 22, 1967, 24 p.

  • Moodie, K.; Cowley, L. T.; Denny, R. B.; Small, L. M.; Williams, I.
    view article (1.0)

    Fire Engulfment Tests on a 5 Tonne LPG Tank.
    Health and Safety Executive, Buxton, UK; Shell Research Ltd., Chester, UK
    Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 20, 55-71, 1988
    Major Hazards in the Transport and Storage of Pressure Liquefied Gases. August 10-13, 1987, New Brunswick, Canada, 1988

  • Matzing, H.; Wagner, H. G.
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    Measurements About the Influence of Pressure on Carbon Formation in Premixed Laminar C2H4-Air Flames.
    Universitat Gottingen, West Germany
    Combustion Institute, Symposium (International) on Combustion, 21st. August 3-8, 1986, Combustion Inst., Pittsburgh, PA, Munich, West Germany, 1047-1055 p., 1986