FireDOC Search

displaying 11 - 20 results in total 139

  • Liu, X.; Delichatsios, M. A.; Brescianini, C.
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    Propagation of Axisymmetric Ceiling Jet Front Produced by Power Law Time Growing Fires.
    Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Melbourne, Australia
    Volume 1,
    Interscience Communications Ltd.; Building Research Establishment; National Fire Protection Association; National Institute of Standards and Technology; Society of Fire Protection Engineers; and Swedish National Testing and Research Institute. Interflam 2001. (Interflam '01). International Interflam Conference, 9th Proceedings. Volume 1. September 17-19, 2001, Interscience Communications Ltd., London, England, Edinburgh, Scotland, 683-694 p., 2001

  • Chow, W. K.; Yin, R.
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    Verification of Plume Expressions With Fire Field Models. Part 1.
    Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ., China
    Journal of Applied Fire Science, Vol. 10, No. 1, 45-58, 2000-2001

  • Chow, W. K.; Yin, R.
    view article (1.0)

    Verification of Plume Expressions With Fire Field Models. Part 2. Mass Flux Formulae.
    Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ., China
    Journal of Applied Fire Science, Vol. 10, No. 1, 59-65, 2000-2001

  • Dey, M. K.
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    Evaluation of Fire Models for Nuclear Power Plant Applications: Cable Tray Fires. International Panel Report.
    National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
    NISTIR 6872, June 2002, 333 p.
    International Collaborative Project to Evaluate Fire Models for Nuclear Power Plant Applications. Evaluation of Fire Models for Nuclear Power Plant Applications: Cable Tray Fires. International Panel Report., 2002

  • Bouton, E.; Tourniaire, B.
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    Study of Cable Tray Fires of Redundant Safety Trains With the Flamme_S Code. Appendix A.
    IPSN, France
    NISTIR 6872, June 2002,
    International Collaborative Project to Evaluate Fire Models for Nuclear Power Plant Applications. Evaluation of Fire Models for Nuclear Power Plant Applications: Cable Tray Fires. International Panel Report. Appendix A: Benchmark Analysis With Flamme_S, A/1-39 p., 2002

  • Thompson, P.; Lindstrom, H.; Ohlsson, P. A.; Thompson, S.
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    SIMULEX: Analysis and Changes for IMO Compliance.
    IES Ltd., Glasgow, Scotland; Sakerhetspartner, Umea, Sweden; Northern Marine Management Limited, Clydebank, UK
    Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics 2003 International Conference, 2nd. Proceedings. August 20-22, 2003, CMS Press, London, England, Greenwich, UK, Galea, E. R., Editors, 173-184 p., 2003

  • Shestopal, V. O.
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    Computer Modelling of Merging Pedestrian Traffic.
    Fire Modelling and Computing, Wahroonga NSW, Australia
    Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics 2003 International Conference, 2nd. Proceedings. August 20-22, 2003, CMS Press, London, England, Greenwich, UK, Galea, E. R., Editors, 395-403 p., 2003

  • Jones, W. W.
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    Verification and Validation of CFAST.
    National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
    NISTIR 6986, September 2003, 569 p.
    International Collaborative Project to Evaluate Fire Models for Nuclear Power Plant Applications: Summary of 5th Meeting. APPENDIX D. View Graphs Used for Presentations: Valication of Fire Models. May 2-3, 2002, Gaithersburg, MD, D/115-140 p., 2003

  • Gritzo, L. A.
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    Verification, Validation and Selected Applications of the VULCAN and FUEGO Fire Field Models.
    Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM
    NISTIR 6986, September 2003, 569 p.
    International Collaborative Project to Evaluate Fire Models for Nuclear Power Plant Applications: Summary of 5th Meeting. APPENDIX D. View Graphs Used for Presentations: Valication of Fire Models. May 2-3, 2002, Gaithersburg, MD, D/169-177 p., 2003

  • Weber, R. D.
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    Performance Design Review and Verification Techniques.
    R. D. Weber and Associates, Inc., Las Vegas, NV
    Strategies for Performance in the Aftermath of the World Trade Center. CIB-CTBUH Conference on Tall Buildings. Proceedings. Task Group on Tall Buildings: CIB TG50. CIB Publication No. 290. October 20-23, 2003, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Shafii, F.; Bukowski, R.; Klemencic, R., Editors, 403-410 p., 2003