FireDOC Search

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  • Wade, C.; Collier, P. C. R.
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    Modeling Smoke Obscuration in the ISO 9705 Room.
    Building Research Association of New Zealand, Judgeford
    Volume 1,
    Interflam 2004. (Interflam '04). International Interflam Conference, 10th Proceedings. Volume 1. Posters: Computer Modeling. July 5-7, 2004. Organised by Interscience Communications Ltd. in association with National Institute of Standards and Technology, Building Research Establishment; National Fire Protection Association; Society of Fire Protection Engineers; and Swedish National Testing and Research Institute, Interscience Communications Ltd., London, England, Edinburgh, Scotland, 671-676 p., 2004

  • Wade, C.; Spearpoint, M.; Tsai, K.; Bittern, A.
    view article (1.0)

    Assessing the Sprinkler Activation Predictive Capability of the BRANZFIRE Fire Model.
    BRANZ, Private Bag 50908, Porirua, New Zealand; University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand; WSP Group plc, Glasgow, Scotland
    Fire Technology, Vol. 43, No. 3, 175-193, September 2007

  • Nyman, J. F.; Gerlich, H. J. T.; Wade, C.; Buchanan, A. H.
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    Predicting Fire Resistance Performance of Drywall Construction Exposed to Parametric Design Fires: A Review.
    Holmes Fire and Safety Ltd, New Zealand; Winstone Wallboards, Ltd, New Zealand; University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand
    Journal of Fire Protection Engineering, Vol. 18, No. 2, 117-139, May 2008