FireDOC Search

displaying 21 - 30 results in total 187

  • U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
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    Reactor Safety Study: An Assessment of Accident Risks in U.S. Commercial Nuclear Power Plants. Appendix 6. Calculation of Reactor Accident Consequences.
    Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC
    WASH-1400; NUREG 75-014, October 1975, 524 p.

  • Alvares, N.; Beason, D.; Bergman, V.; Creighton, J.; Ford, H.; Lipska, A.
    view article (1.0)

    Fire Protection Countermeasures for Containment Ventilation.
    Lawrence Livermore National Lab., CA
    Department of Energy, Washington, DC, UCID-18781, September 1980, 190 p.

  • Stevens, J. B.
    view article (1.0)

    Hazardous Materials: Calculating Containment Corridors.
    Firehouse, Vol. 5, No. 4, 12,16, April 1980

  • Allen, A. A.; Simpson, W.
    view article (1.0)

    Alaska Clean Seas Test and Evaluation of Fire Containment Boom.
    Spiltec, Anchorage, AK; Shell Western E&P Inc., Anchorage, AK
    NIST SP 995; Volume 2, March 2003,
    9th Arctic Marine Oilspill Program: Technical Seminar. June 10-12, 1986, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Edmonton, Alberta, 187-201 p., ['1986', '2003']

  • Roberts, A. F.
    view article (1.0)

    Vapor Cloud Explosions and BLEVEs.
    Health and Safety Executive, London, England
    1985, 7 p.

  • Bratten, F. W.
    view article (1.0)

    Containment Tables for Initial Attack on Forest Fires.
    Department of Agriculture, Riverside, CA
    Fire Technology, Vol. 14, No. 4, 297-303, November 1978

  • Skinner, S. K.; Reilly, W. K.
    view article (1.0)

    EXXON VALDEZ Oil Spill. A Report to the President.
    Department of Transportation, Washington, DC; Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC
    May 1989, 73 p.

  • Endthoff, G. B.
    view article (1.0)

    Backflow Protection for Sprinkler Systems: An Opposing View.
    National Fire Sprinkler Assoc., Patterson, NY
    Building Official and Code Administrator, Vol. 23, No. 3, 2, May/June 1989

  • Ross, S. L.; Logan, W. J.; Rowland, W.; Milne, A. R.
    view article (1.0)

    Oil Spill Countermeasures: The Beaufort Sea and the Search for Oil.
    Department of Environment, Ontario, Canada
    1977, 70 p.

  • Logan, W. J.; Thornton, D. E.; Ross, S. L.
    view article (1.0)

    Oil Spill Countermeasures for the Southern Beaufort Sea. Appendix. Beaufort Sea Technical Report.
    Department of the Environment, Ontario, Canada
    Beaufort Sea TR 31b; EPS-3-EC-77-7, February 1977, 107 p.