displaying 21 - 30 results in total 465
Corrie, J. G.
view article (1.0)Quality Control Procedures for Fire Fighting Foams.Fire Research Station, Borehamwood, EnglandCP 15/78, December 1977, 5 p.Chemical Process Hazards With Special Reference to Plant Design. Part 6. Institution ofchemical Engineers, 1977, 133-137 p., 1977McGill, P. L.; Grove, C. S.
view article (1.0)Study of a Rotary Pump and Air Blower Used as a Foam Generator. Final Report.Syracuse Univ. Research Inst., NYCHE233-565F-1; Nonr-669(07), May 31, 1956, 24 p.Siddle, J.
view article (1.0)Protection of Aircraft Hangars.Fire International, No. 76, 37-40, August/September 1976Smith, D.
view article (1.0)Single Foam Agent Provides All-Round Protection at Oil and Gas Terminals.Fire, Vol. 75, No. 925, 79, July 1982Persson, H.
view article (1.0)Hur Slacker Man Stora Vatskebrander Med Skum. [Extinguishment Tests to Study the Behavior of Foam.]Statens Provningsanstalt, Boras, SwedenSP-RAPP 1987:13, 1987, 50 p.Briggs, A. A.; Webb, J. S.
view article (1.0)Gasoline Fires and Foams.Fire Research Station, Borehamwood, EnglandFire Technology, Vol. 24, No. 1, 48-58, February 1988Tuve, R. L.; Peterson, H. B.; Jablonski, E. J.; Neill, R. R.
view article (1.0)New Vapor-Securing Agent for Flammable-Liquid Fire Extinguishment.Naval Research Lab., Washington, DCNRL Report 6057, March 13, 1964, 47 p.Ault, W. E.
view article (1.0)Mechanical Foam VS Fire in Benzene. New Combination Foam-Water Sprinkler Head.Automatic Sprinkler Co. of America, Youngstown, OHReport 1513, December 6, 1949, 64 p.Fittes, D. W.; Nash, P.
view article (1.0)Use of Foam on Fires Involving Water-Miscible Solvents.Fire Research Station, Borehamwood, EnglandInstitution of Fire Engineers Quarterly, no datePollard, K.
view article (1.0)Foam Performance and Testing for Use in Air Crash Fire-Fighting and Rescue.National Foam System Inc., Lionville, PAFire, Vol. 80, No. 993, 35-36,43, March 1988