FireDOC Search

displaying 21 - 30 results in total 204

  • Stephenson, J. E.; Guest, R.
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    New Developments in Inorganic Phosphorus Flame Retardants.
    Albright and Wilson Ltd., West Midlands, UK
    Fire Retardant Chemicals Assoc. International Progress in Fire Safety. March 22-25, 1987, New Orleans, LA, 131-140 p., 1987

  • Parts, L.; Myers, R. D.; Thompson, C. A.; May, N. F.
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    Flame- and Smoke-Retardant Polymer Systems.
    Monsanto Research Corp., Dayton, OH
    Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, DC, MRC-DA-722, February 3, 1978, 142 p.

  • O'Rourke, J. F.
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    Use of Intumescent Coatings for Fire Protection of Structural Steel.
    Albi Manufacturing corp., Rockville, CT
    Fire Retardant Chemistry, Vol. 2, 48-56, February 1975
    American Institute of Chemical Engineers. Loss Prevention. Volume 8. 8th Symposium on Loss Prevention in the Process Industries. November 11-15, 1973., New York, NY, 69-72 p., 1975

  • Anderson, C. E.; Ketchum, D. E.; Mountain, W. P.
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    Thermal Conductivity of Intumescent Chars.
    Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX
    Journal of Fire Science, Vol. 6, No. 6, 390-410, November/December 1988

  • Lloyd-Lucas, C.
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    Improved Intumescent Fire Protection for Hazardous Environments.
    ICI Speciality Chemicals
    Plastics and Rubber Institute. Offshore Passive Fire Protection. International Conference. March 31, 1987-April 1, 1987, London, England, 8/1-4 p., 1987

  • Dunk, J. V.
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    Advantages of an Epoxy Medium as the Basis of a Durable Passive Fire Protection Material.
    Plastics and Rubber Institute. Offshore Passive Fire Protection. International Conference. March 31, 1987-April 1, 1987, London, England, 10/1-10 pp, 1987 AND BHRA, The Fluid Engineering Center; Society of Fire Protection Engineers; Safety and Reliability Directorate of UKAEA; Institution of Chemical Engineers. Fire Engineering in Petrohemical and Offshore Applications. International Conference Proceedings. Paper F2. June 23-24, 1987, Stratford-upon-Avon, England, 95-102, 1987, 1987

  • Rhys, J. A.
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    Intumescent Coatings and Their Uses.
    88 Park Crescent, Kent, UK
    Fire and Materials, Vol. 4, No. 3, 154-156, September 1980
    Interflam '79. International Conference on Flammability. Conference Workbook. Organised Jointly by 'Fire and Materials' and LIRA. March 27-29, 1979., Guildford, England, 135-136 p., 1979

  • Davis, M.; Holley, W.; Diehl, W. R.
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    Further Studies on Optimum Combined Fire Retardant/Preservative Treatments and Stench Warning Systems for Wood Mine Timber. Final Report. April 1981-May 1982.
    Springborn Labs., Inc., Enfield, CT
    Department of the Interior, Washington, DC, OFR 27-83, May 1982, 84 p.

  • Smith, T.
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    Rising to the Task. Intumescent Coatings Can Provide Excellent Fire Protection.
    Building, Vol. 243, No. 7252, 43, July 1982

  • Boris, P.
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    Fire Resistance Tests of Intumescent-Coated Self-Sealing Fuel Lines. Final Report. January 1979-May 1981.
    Federal Aviation Admin., Atlantic City Airport, NJ
    Air Force Systems Command, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, AFWAL-TR-82-2111; DOT/FAA/CT-82/1, January 1983, 71 p.