FireDOC Search

displaying 21 - 30 results in total 118

  • Hosemann, J. P.
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    Methods to Determine Particle Size Distribution of Highly Concentrated Polydispersions of Mie-Particles.
    Rheinisch-Westfalisch Technical Univ., Aachen
    July 11, 1970, 98 p.

  • Koo, J. H.; Chaboki, A.
    view article (1.0)

    Integral Transform Methods for Reconstruction of Particle Size Distributions Using Laser Light Diffraction Data.
    FMC Corp., Minneapolis, MN
    Combustion Institute/Eastern States Section. Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion. 1988 Technical Meeting. December 5-7, 1988, Clearwater Beach, FL, 15/1-4 p., 1988

  • Lee, S.; Sichel, M.
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    Sheath Combustion of a Spherical Bimodal Droplet Cloud.
    Michigan Univ., Ann Arbor
    Combustion Institute/Eastern States Section. Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion. 1988 Technical Meeting. December 5-7, 1988, Clearwater Beach, FL, 100/1-4 p., 1988

  • Sasse, R. A.; Rose, J. E.
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    Comparison of Spherical and Ellipsoidal Form Functions for Evaluating Black Powder. Final Report. July 1987-July 1988.
    Army Ballistic Research Lab., Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD
    BRL-MR-2955, December 1988, 28 p.

  • Fissan, H. J.; Pistor, M.
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    Determination of the Particle Size Distribution of Test Fire Aerosols.
    Duisburg General College, West Germany
    R.S.A. Job 167-2-GE, December 1978, 12 p.

  • Sarofim, A. F.; Howard, J. B.; Padia, A. S.
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    Physical Transformation of the Mineral Matter in Pulverized Coal Under Simulated Combustion Conditions.
    Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
    Combustion Science and Technology, Vol. 16, 187-138, 1977

  • Enomoto, H.
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    Explosion Characteristics of Agricultural Dust Clouds.
    Tohoku Univ., Sendai, Japan
    Grain Elevator and Processing Society. International Symposium on Grain Dust Explosions. Proceedings. October 4-6, 1977, Grain Elevator and Processing Soc., Minnapolis, MN, Kansas City, MO, 143-170 p., 1977

  • Bentz, D. P.; Haecker, C. J.
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    Argument for Using Coarse Cements in High-Performance Concretes.
    National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD; Wilhelm Dyckerhoff Institut, Wiesbaden, Germany
    Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 29, 615-618, 1999

  • Watanabe, A.
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    Response Characteristics of Smoke Detectors in Early Stage of Fire.
    Fire Research Institute, Japan
    Nihon Kasaigakkai Ronbunshu, Vol. 21, No. 2, 7-17, 1972
    U.S./Japan Government Cooperative Program on Natural Resources (UJNR). Panel on Fire Research and Safety. Volume 6. Fire Detection. October 19-22, 1976, Tokyo, Japan, 1-15 p., 1976

  • Zinn, B. T.; Cassanova, R. A., Sr.; Bankston, C. P.; Powell, E. A.; Browner, R. F.; Rhee, J. U.
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    Investigation of the Properties of the Combustion Products Generated by Fire-Retarded Polyurethanes. Final Report. October 1, 1976-September 30, 1977.
    Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA
    National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD, PRC-RP-75-1-15-Revised, 1978, 76 p.