displaying 21 - 30 results in total 144
Cox, R. A.
view article (1.0)Methods for Predicting the Atmospheric Dispersion of Massive Releases of Flammable Vapor.Cremer and Warner, London, EnglandProgress in Energy and Combustion Science, Vol. 6, No. 2, 141-149, 1980Factory Mutual Research
view article (1.0)Fire Behavior of Rigid Cellular Plastic Insulations for Use on Storage Tank Exteriors. Part 1. History of Tank Fire Incidents.Factory Mutual Research, Norwood, MASociety of the Plastics Industry, New York, Serial 26450, March 15, 1977, 21 p.Altman, J. C.
view article (1.0)Foam Insulation Explosion Caused by Mixing Components.Fire Service WriterFire Command, Vol. 45, No. 5, 32-33, May 1978Record
view article (1.0)Flammable Liquids Drained Toward Plant Buildings.Record, Vol. 56, No. 5, 18, September/October 1979Fire Protection Association
view article (1.0)Bund Walls for Flammable Liquid Storage Tanks.Fire Protection Assoc., London, EnglandFS 6027, September 1982, 2 p.Bridges, R. B.
view article (1.0)Tank Farm Fire Contained.Rialto Fire Dept., CAFire Command, Vol. 46, No. 5, 36-38, May 1979National Transportation Safety Board
view article (1.0)Special Investigation Report. An Overview of a Bulk Gasoline Delivery Fire and Explosion.National Transportation Safety Board, Washington, DCNTSB-HZM-78-1, February 24, 1978, 32 p.Pignato, J. A.
view article (1.0)Storage Tank Protection Using Aqueous Film-Forming Foam (AFFF). Topside, Subsurface Techniques Tested on Hydrocarbon Fuels.3M Co., St. Paul, MNFire Journal, Vol. 72, No. 6, 32-33,42-43,91, November 1978Principato, L.
view article (1.0)Liquefied Natural Gas--Dreaded and Unfamiliar Enemy.New York Fire Dept.Firehouse, Vol. 3, No. 11, 52-53,58-59, November 1978Dillon, J. B.
view article (1.0)Thermal Insulation: Recent Developments. Chemical Technology Review No. 99. Energy Technology Review No. 23, Noyes Data Corp., NJ, 347 p., 1978