FireDOC Search

displaying 31 - 40 results in total 137

  • LaVerne, A. A.
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    Carbon Dioxide Therapy, Healing, and Air Pollution: A More Effective Rapid Coma Technic for Psychiatric Disorders.
    Bellevue Hospital Center, New York
    Behavioral Neuropsychiatry, Vol. 2, No. 3-4, 6-25, June/July 1970

  • Eckbreth, A. C.; Bonczyk, P. A.; Verdieck, J. F.
    view article (1.0)

    Review of Laser Raman and Fluorescence Techniques for Practical Combustion Diagnostics. Interagency Energy-Environment Research and Development Program Report.
    United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT
    Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, EPA-600/7-77-066; EHE624; EPA-600/13, June 1977, 173 p.

  • Goldsmith, A.
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    Development of Smoke Abated Aircraft Crash/Rescue Fire Fighting Trainer. Final Report. June 1974-May 1976.
    IIT Research Inst., Chicago, IL
    NAval Training Equipment Center, Orlando, FL, IITRI-J6339, May 1976, 127 p.

  • Fenimore, C. P.; Hilt, M. B.; Johnson, R. H.
    view article (1.0)

    Formation and Measurements of Nitrogen Oxides in Gas Turbines.
    General Electric Co., Schenectady, NY
    ASME-70-WA-GT-03, 1970, 7 p.
    American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Winter Annual Meeting. November 29-December 3, 1970, New York, NY, 1970

  • Klarman, A. F.
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    Evaluation of Smoke Suppressant Fuel Additives for Jet Engine Test Cell Smoke Abatement. Final Report.
    Naval Air Propulsion Test Center, Trenton, NJ
    NAPTC-PE-103, February 1977, 37 p.

  • Flagan, R. C.
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    Ash Particle Formation in Pulverized Coal Combustion.
    California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
    WSS/CI 77-04,
    Combustion Institute/Western States Section. Combustion of Cellulosic Fuels--Combustion Technology for Pollution Control. Spring Meeting, 1977. April 18-19, 1977, Seattle, WA, 1-11 p., 1977

  • Hall, J. L.; Herrin, J.
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    Correction for Finite Quenching Rates in Shock-Induced Methane Pyrolysis.
    Iowa State Univ., Ames
    AIAA Journal, Vol. 14, No. 11, 1515-1516, November 1976

  • Randerson, D.
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    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin., Oak Ridge, TN
    Atmospheric Science and Power Production, Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, TN, Randerson, D., Editors, 858 p., 1984

  • Randerson, D.
    view article (1.0)

    Atmospheric Boundary Layer.
    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin., Las Vegas, NV
    Chapter 5; DOE/TIC-27601,
    Atmospheric Science and Power Production, Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, TN, Randerson, D., Editors, 147-188 p., 1984

  • Abel, K. H.; Young, J. A.; Rancitelli, L. A.
    view article (1.0)

    Atmospheric Chemistry of Inorganic Emissions.
    Pacific Northwest Lab., Richland, WA
    Chapter 10; DOE/TIC-27601,
    Atmospheric Science and Power Production, Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, TN, Randerson, D., Editors, 423-465 p., 1984