FireDOC Search

displaying 31 - 40 results in total 52

  • Cottrell, A. H.; Swann, P. R.
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    Metallurgical Examination of the Failures in the 8 Inch Diameter Stainless Steel Pipe.
    Jesus College, Cambridge, England; Imperial College, London, England
    Institution of Chemical Engineers (Nottingham Group). Technical Lessons of Flixborough. December 16, 1975, Nottingham, England, 1-32 p., 1975

  • Anderberg, Y.; Thelanderson, S.
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    Constitutive Law for Concrete at Transient High Temperature Conditions.
    Lund Institute of Technology, Sweden
    CIB W14/79/35 (S); ACI Publication SP 55-8; Bulletin 65,
    American Concrete Institute. Analytical Design of Fire Exposed Concrete Structures. Douglas McHenry International Symposium. ACI Publication SP-55. Bulletin 65. October 1976, American Concrete Institute, Detroit, MI, Mexico City, Mexico, 187-205 p., ['1976', '1978']

  • Gillen, M.
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    Short-Term Creep of Concrete at Elevated Temperatures. Final Report. First Year. August 1, 1975-August 1, 1976.
    Portland Cement Association, Skokie, IL
    National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD, First Year, March 1977, 16 p.

  • Schneider, U.
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    Behavior of Concrete Under Thermal Steady State and Non-Steady State Conditions.
    Universitat Braunschweig, West Germany
    Fire and Materials, Vol. 1, No. 3, 103-115, September 1976

  • Skinner, D. H.
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    Determination of High-Temperature Properties of Steel.
    Melbourne Research Labs., Australia
    BHP Technical Bulletin, Vol. 16, No. 2, 10-21, November 1972

  • Skinner, D. H.
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    Runaway Temperature--A Design Criterion Based on the High Temperature Properties of Steel.
    Melbourne Research Labs., Australia
    BHP Technical Bulletin, Vol. 16, No. 2, 22-37, November 1972

  • Harmathy, T. Z.
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    Creep Deflection of Metal Beams in Transient Heating Processes, With Particular Reference to Fire.
    National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario
    Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 2, 219-228, June 1976
    CIB W14/151/76 (C); NRCC 15238; DBR Paper 673,

  • American Concrete Institute
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    American Concrete Institute, Detroit, MI
    Concrete for Nuclear Reactors. Volume 2. ACI Special Publication SP-34, American Concrete Institute, Detroit, MI, 639-1172 p., 1972

  • Becker, J.; Bresler, B.
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    FIRES-RC II. Computer Program for the <u>FI</u>re <u>RE</u>sponse of <u>S</u>tructures--<u>R</u>einforced <u>C</u>oncrete Frames.
    California Univ., Berkeley
    National Science Foundation, Washington, DC, UCB FRG-77-3, July 1974, 169 p.

  • United States Steel
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    Steels for Elevated Temperature Service.
    United States Steel, Pittsburgh, PA
    1961, 61 p.