FireDOC Search

displaying 31 - 40 results in total 158

  • Schaffer, E. L.; White, R.; Brenden, J.
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    Designing for Fire Safety.
    Department of Agriculture, Madison, WI
    FPRS Proceedings 7317, Wall and Floor Systems: Design and Performance of Light-Frame Structures. Session 2: Fire/Acoustics/Vibration. September 22-24, 1981, Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co., Dubuque, IO, Denver, CO, 124-134 p., 1983

  • White, T. M.; Sutton, A. R.
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    New Light on Cable Fires. Development in the Protection of Cables in Power Stations.
    Central Electricity Generating Board
    Fire Prevention, No. 120, 25-28, August 1977

  • Anderson, J. M.
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    Fireproofing Coatings.
    Albi Manufacturing Corp., Rockville, CT
    Fire Retardant Chemicals Association. Fire Retardancy in the Construction Industry. October 18-21, 1976, Orlando, FL, 110-125 p., 1976

  • Stirling, C. M.; Southern, J. R.
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    Stabilising External Insulation in Fires.
    Building Research Institute, East Kilbride
    Insulation, 10-12, February 1989

  • U.S.S.R. National Committee of the Council of Ministers for Construction
    view article (1.0)

    Fire Protection Codes for the Design of Buildings and Installations. Chapter 5. Building Codes and Regulations. Part 2. Section A. SNIP 2-A.5-70.
    U.S.S.R. National Committee of the Council of Ministers for Construction
    SNIP 2-A.5-70, 1970, 40 p.

  • Singh, J.; Thomas, P. M.
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    Calculating the Overall Fire Risk in New Building Designs.
    Hazard Evaluation Lab., Ltd.; British Nuclear Fuels plc.
    Fire Prevention, No. 224, 32-36, November 1989

  • Plastics and Rubber Institute; British Plastics Federation
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    Flame Retardants 1990.
    Flame Retardants 1990. (Flame Retardants '90.) 4th International Conference. Proceedings. Plastics and Rubber Institute AND British Plastics Federation. January 17-18, 1990, Elsevier Applied Science, New York, London, England, 306 p., 1990

  • Parry, D. J.; Carter, R. A.
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    ICI "CEEPREE"--Unique Fire Barrier From a Versatile Filler.
    ICI Soda Ash Products, Cheshire
    Plastics and Rubber Institute AND British Plastics Federation. Flame Retardants 1990. International Conference, 4th. January 17-18, 1990, Elsevier Applied Science, New York, London, England, 166-175 p., 1990

  • Holmes, W. D.
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    Review of Current Methods of Tests of Fire Barrier Systems to Prevent the Horizontal Propagation of Fully Developed Compartment Fires.
    Worcester Polytechnic Institute, MA
    Thesis, May 1986, 172 p.

  • Pakkala, L.L.; Ryynanen, T.
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    Improving the Fire Resistance Properties of Upholstered Furniture.
    Technical Research Center, Espoo, Finland
    VTT Research Notes 1002, June 1989, 54 p.