displaying 31 - 40 results in total 373
Fedor, A. R.
view article (1.0)Development and Application of Low-Smoke, Flame-Retardant Flexible RF Cable.Brand-Rex Cable Systems Div., Willimantic, CTU.S. Army Communications Electronics Command (CECOM). International Wire and Cable Symposium, 38th. November 14-16, 1989, Atlanta, GA, 183-187 p., 1989Bond, A.
view article (1.0)Sound Guidance (Auditoria and Alarm Systems).Building Services, Vol. 13, No. 2, 28-30, March 1992Knisley, J.
view article (1.0)Applying Hazardous Location Lighting Equipment.EC&M: Electrical Construction and Maintenance, Vol. 90, No. 11, 31-39, November 1991U.S. Department of Energy
view article (1.0)Environmental Assessment: Installation and Operation of the Plantwide Fire Protection Systems and Related Domestic Water Supply Systems.Department of Energy, Aiken, SCDOE/EA-0476, December 1991, 33 p.Farrell, G. W.; Valvoda, F. R.
view article (1.0)Protecting Wires and Cables.Littlefuse Inc., Des Plaines, IL; Frank Valvoda and Associates, Berwyn, ILConsulting-Specifying Engineer, Vol. 13, No. 3, 54-56,58, March 1993Giller, N. M.
view article (1.0)Polyvinyl Chloride Piping.Norman M. Giller and AssociatesBuilding Research Institute. Performance of Plastics in Building. Publication 1004. Fall Conference. 1961, 67-70 p., 1961Smith, D. F.; Kantz, M. R.
view article (1.0)Repair Patching System for Aircraft Cargo Liners.M. C. Gill Corp., El Monte, CADOT/FAA/CT-93/3; DOT/FAA/93/3,Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). International Conference for the Promotion of Advanced Fire Resistant Aircraft Interior Materials. February 9-11, 1993, Atlantic City, NJ, 49-54 p., 1993Martins, S. A.; Shinn, J. H.
view article (1.0)CHAWS User's Guide: System Description and Standard Operating Procedures, Johnston Island JCAD Facility.Lawrence Livermore Lab., CADepartment of Energy, Washington, DC, UCRL-CR-105263; MIPR M8-53-13, July 1990, 141 p.Kimbrough, R.
view article (1.0)Paint Spray Booth Fire System Applications.Kimbrough Fire Extinguisher Co., Arlington, TXFire Systems, Vol. 5, No. 2, 33-41, 1991Lee, Y. C.
view article (1.0)Application of 'Hypercard' for the Design of Sprinkler Installation.Hong Kong Polytechnic, Hong KongCIB 92,Conseil International du Batiment. Congres Mondial du Batiment. World Building Congress CIB 92. Proceedings [Compte-rendu]. Tome 2. Session 5B. Computers as a Design Tool. May 18-22, 1992, Montreal, Canada, 629-630 p., 1992