displaying 31 - 40 results in total 73
Redfern, J. P.
view article (1.0)Application of the Critical Oxygen Index Test.Stanton Redcroft, London, EnglandAlena Enterprises of Canada. Fire Retardants: Proceedings of 1976 International Symposium on Flammability and Fire Retardants. May 6-7, 1976, Technomic Publishing Co., Westport, CT, Ontario, Canada, Bhatnagar, V. M., Editors, 11-12 p., 1977Manley, T. R.; Sidebotham, S.
view article (1.0)Flammability and Smoke Measurements on Glass Reinforced Polyester Resins.Newcastle Upon Tyne Polytechnic, EnglandFire Research, Vol. 1, No. 2, 97-100, 1977-1978Nakagawa, Y.; Takahashi, M.; Yamao, S. I.; Kohno, M.
view article (1.0)Flammability Tests of Conveyor Rubber Belts With Fabric Carcase Used in Japanese Underground Coal Mines.Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, PAU.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines. International Conference of Safety in Mines Research Institutes, 23rd Proceedings. September 11-15, 1989, Washington, DC, 107-117 p., 1989Zimmermann, R.; Streich, M.
view article (1.0)Firedamp and Coal Dust Safety of Permitted Explosives--Oxygen Index as Testing Criterion.Westfalische Berggewerkschaftskasse, Federal Republic of GermanyU.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines. International Conference of Safety in Mines Research Institutes, 23rd Proceedings. September 11-15, 1989, Washington, DC, 722-746 p., 1989Lipowitz, J.; Swihart, T. J.; Ziemelis, M. J.; Kalinowski, R. E.
view article (1.0)Silicones as Finishes for Flame Retardant Fabrics.Dow Corning Corp., Midland, MIInformation Council on Fabric Flammability. Annual Meeting, 10th. December 8-9, 1976, New York City, 228-242 p., 1976Delobel, R.; Ouassou, N.; LeBras, M.; Leroy, J. M.
view article (1.0)Fire Retardance of Polypropylene: Action of Diammonium Pyrophosphate-Pentaerythritol Intumescent Mixture.Laboratoire de Physiochimie des Solides, Cedex, FrancePolymer Degradation and Stability, Vol. 23, 349-357, 1989Fire Retardance of Polymers Conference, 2nd, 1989Trent, L. C.; Hodges, J. R.; Langstaff, W. I.
view article (1.0)Effect of Low Levels of Flame Retarding Agent on the Burn Injury Potential of Polyester/Cotton Blend Fabrics.Tennessee Eastman Co., KingsportInformation Council on Fabric Flammability. Annual Meeting, 13th. December 1979, Atlanta, GA, 76-87 p., 1979Jieyu, L.; Bin, L.; Yanggen, L.
view article (1.0)Synthesis of Condensed Guanidine Phosphates and Study of Their Flame Retardancy.Northeast Forestry Univ., Harbin, ChinaChina Ordnance Society. International Symposium on Flame Retardants Proceedings. November 1-5, 1989, International Academic Publishers, Beijing, China, Yuxiang, O. and Minxiu, Z., Editors, 122-126 p., 1989Honig, M. L.
view article (1.0)Structure-Flammability Relationships Among Bromine and Bromophosphorus Additives in Unsaturated Polyester.Stauffer Chemical Co., Dobbs Ferry, NYJournal of Fire Retardant Chemistry, Vol. 3, 44-48, February 1976Quinn, E. J.; Dieck, R. L.
view article (1.0)Flame and Smoke Properties of Filled and Unfilled Poly-(Aryloxphosphazene) Homopolymers.Armstrong Cork Co., Lancaster, PAJournal of Fire and Flammability, Vol. 7, 5-18, January 1976