displaying 31 - 40 results in total 403
National Board of Fire Underwriters
view article (1.0)Internal Cleaning of Sprinkler Piping.National Board of Fire Underwriters, New York, NYMarch 1959, 44 p.Specifying Engineer
view article (1.0)Automatic Sprinkler Systems, First Line of Defense.Specifying Engineer, Vol. 47, No. 5, 92-96, May 1982Conroy, P. D.
view article (1.0)Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP) Piping for Naval Shipboard Applications.David W. Taylor Naval Ship Research and Development Center, Bethesda, MDDTNSRDC/PAS-86/45, April 1987, 293 p.Fleming, R. P.
view article (1.0)St. Petersburg Tries Polybutylene.National Fire Sprinkler Assoc., Patterson, NYSprinkler Quarterly, No. 46, 24, Summer 1983Keller, K. P.
view article (1.0)Battle Rages Over the Toxicity of Plastic.Building Design and Construction, Vol. 24, No. 6, 42-44, June 1983Damon, D. L.
view article (1.0)Design Considerations for Meeting Nuclear Safety Systems Separations Criteria.Bechtel Power Corp., San Francisco, CAIEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol. NS-22, No. 1, 776-783, February 1975Lougheed, G. D.; Richardson, J. K.
view article (1.0)Sprinklers in Combustible Concealed Spaces.National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, OntarioJournal of Fire Protection Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 2, 49-62, April/May/June 1989IRC PAPER 1605; NRCC 30517,El Hadidy, M. A.; Gori, F.; Spalding, D. B.
view article (1.0)Further Results on the Heat Transfer to Low-Prandtl-Number Fluids in Pipes.Imperial College, London, England; Fisica Tecnica, Firenze, Italy; Imperial College, London, EnglandNumerical Heat Transfer, Vol. 5, No. 1, 107-117, January/March 1982The Sentinel
view article (1.0)Underground Fire Protection Piping, Continued.The Sentinel, 12-13, Second Quarter 1983Shepherd, G. A.
view article (1.0)Explosive Situation. The American Concrete Pipe Association Reports on the Combustibility of Underground Piping--And What Can Be Done About It.American Concrete Pipe Assoc., Vienna, VAConstruction Specifier, Vol. 35, No. 2, 47-50, February 1982