displaying 31 - 40 results in total 126
Shimazu, T.; Yukioka, T.; Hubbard, G. B.; Langlinais, P. C.; Mason, A. D.; Pruitt, B. A.
view article (1.0)Dose-Responsive Model of Smoke Inhalation Injury.Army Institute of Surgical Research, San Antonio, TX; Osaka Univ. Medical School, JapanAnnals of Surgery, Vol. 206, No. 1, 89-98, July 1987Bendix, S.
view article (1.0)Effect of Plastics on Fire Fighting.Bendix Environmental Research Inc., San Francisco, CACalifornia Conference on Fire Toxicity, 3rd. Volume 3. SRI International. July 15-16, 1981., Menlo Park, CA, 79-94 p., 1981Loke, J.; Paul, E.; Virgulto, J.; Matthay, R.
view article (1.0)Smoke Inhalation in Humans and Laboratory Animals.Yale Univ. School of Medicine, New Haven, CTCalifornia Conference on Fire Toxicity, 3rd. Volume 3. SRI International. July 15-16, 1981., Menlo Park, CA, 95-96 p., 1981Niederman, M. S.; Paul, E.; Virgulto, J.; Smith, G. J. W.; Loke, J.
view article (1.0)In Vitro Tracheal Repair After In Vivo Smoke Inhalation in Rabbits.Yale Univ. School of Medicien, New Haven, CTCalifornia Conference on Fire Toxicity, 3rd. Volume 3. SRI International. July 15-16, 1981., Menlo Park, CA, 97-98 p., 1981Meckler, M.
view article (1.0)Analyzing Smoke Transport: The MGM Grand Hotel Fire.Meckler Engineers Group, Eucino, CAConsulting/Specifying Engineer, Vol. 3, No. 4, 40-44, April 1988Lee, G. H.
view article (1.0)Study of Changes in Blood Composition After <u>In Vivo</u> Exposure to Fire Off-Gases. Final Report.Southwest Research Inst., San Antonio, TXNational Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD, PRC RP-78-U-1; SwRI Project 03-5288, November 1979, 43 p.Foltz, J. L.
view article (1.0)Disposable Respirators for Forest Fire Fighters.Pennsylvania State Univ., University ParkFire Technology, Vol. 17, No. 3, 174-176, August 1981Kaapcke, B.
view article (1.0)Those 'Towering Infernos'--Can We Prevent Them?Journal of Insurance EditorJournal of Insurance, 2-6, May/June 1981Myers, R. A. M.
view article (1.0)Progress Report on Smoke Inhalation Program. January 1, 1980-November 12, 1980.Maryland Univ., College Park1980, 22 p.Fein, A.; Leff, A.; Hopewell, P. C.
view article (1.0)Pathophysiology and Management of the Complications Resulting From Fire and the Inhaled Products of Combustion: Review of the Literature.Albert Einstein Medical Center, Philadelphia, PA; University of Chicago Hospital, ILCritical Care Medicine, Vol. 8, No. 2, 94-98, 1980Toxic Exposures and Other Injuries to Firefighters and Fire Victims: Emergency Medical Management X474.7. January 22, 1981, San Francisco, CA, 92-96 p., 1981