FireDOC Search

displaying 31 - 40 results in total 589

  • Wackerlig, H. U.
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    Lessons From a Major Chemical Storage Fire: SANDOZ.
    Fire Prevention Service, Zurich, Switzerland
    Fire Protection, Vol. 15, No. 4, 6-14, December 1987

  • Rice, B.
    view article (1.0)

    Joe Larson's Trial by Fire.
    SFPE Bulletin, No. 82-2, 2-6, April 1982

  • Watson, P.
    view article (1.0)

    Special Dangers of Fire Affecting Storage.
    Hampshire Fire Dept., England
    Fire Prevention, No. 147, 10-12, March 1982

  • Roberts, A. F.
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    Thermal Radiation Hazards From Releases of LPG From Pressurised Storage.
    Health and Safety Executive, Derbyshire, England
    Fire Safety Journal, Vol. 4, No. 3, 197-212, 1981/1982

  • Record
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    Aerosol Storage: The Problems and Solutions.
    Record, Vol. 59, No. 2, 5-11, March/April 1982

  • Davies, D.
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    Why Storage Risks Need Gas Detection.
    Risk Control Services
    Fire, Vol. 80, No. 994, 31, April 1988

  • Fire Prevention
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    HSE Recommendations Following Aerosol Fire.
    Fire Prevention, No. 143, 23-24, August 1981

  • Schatz, H.
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    Loscheisatz bei gelagerten Stoffen. Teil 1. Literaturauswertung und Errichtung der Versuchsanlage. Flame Spread of Materials in Storage. Part 1. Literature Survey and Construction of Apparatus.]
    Karlsruhe Univ., West Germany
    Report 53, March 1985, 63 p.

  • Brein, D.
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    Brandausbreitung bei verschiedenen Stoffen, die in lagermabiger Anordnung gestapelt sind. Teil 2. Grobrandversuche 1. [Flame Spread of Materials in Storage. Part 2. Large Scale Experiments.]
    Karlsruhe Univ., West Germany
    Report 58, November 1986, 37 p.

  • Brein, D.
    view article (1.0)

    Brandausbreitung bei verschiedenen Stoffen, die in lagermabiger Anordnung gestapelt sind. Teil 1. Literaturauswertung. [Flame Spread of Materials in Storage. Part 1. Literature Survey.]
    Karlsruhe Univ., West Germany
    Report 55, December 1985, 54 p.