FireDOC Search

displaying 31 - 40 results in total 52

  • Pitts, J. J.
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    Antimony-Halogen Synergistic Reactions in Fire Retardants.
    Olin Corp., New Haven, CT
    Journal of Fire and Flammability, Vol. 3, 51-84, January 1972

  • Quinn, E. J.
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    Synergism and Pseudosynergism of Phosphorus, Antimony, and Halogen in Fire-Retardant Polymer Systems.
    Armstrong Cork Co., Lancaster, PA
    Textile Information Sources and Resources, Vol. 3, 14-15, 1971

  • Lokhande, H. T.
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    Phosphorus-Nitrogen Synergism in Flame-Proofing of Cotton Fabrics.
    Colourge (Bombay), Vol. 17, 25-26, July 30, 1970

  • Berk Limited
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    Principles of Flame Retardancy. Technical Bulletin.
    Berk Limited, London, England
    TB/1/71, 1971, 10 p.

  • Kuryla, W. C.; Papa, A. J.
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    Union Carbide Corp., South Charleston, WV
    Flame Retardancy of Polymeric Materials. Volume 3, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, Ny, Kuryla, W. C.; Papa, A. J., Editors, 371 p., 1975

  • Tesoro, G. C.; Sello, S. B.; Willard, J. J.
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    Nitrogen-Phosphorus Synergism in Flame Retardant Cellulose.
    J.P. Stevens and Co., Inc., Garfield, NJ
    Textile Research Journal, Vol. 39, No. 2, 180-190, February 1969

  • Weil, E. D.; Lewin, M.; Lin, H. S.
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    Enhanced Flame Retardancy of Polypropylene With Magnesium Hydroxide, Melamine and Novolac.
    Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, FL; Naval Surface Warfare Center, West Bethesda, MD; Bayer Corp., Pittsburgh, PA
    Journal of Fire Sciences, Vol. 16, No. 5, 383-404, September/October 1998

  • Lewin, M.
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    Synergistic and Catalytic Effects in Flame Retardancy of Polymeric Materials: An Overview.
    Polytechnic Univ., Brooklyn, NY
    Journal of Fire Sciences, Vol. 17, No. 1, 3-19, January/February 1999

  • Weil, E. D.
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    Synergists, Adjuvants, and Antagonists in Flame Retardant Systems.
    Polytechnic Univ., Brooklyn, NY
    Fire Retardancy of Polymeric Materials. Chapter 4, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, NY, Grand, A. F.; Wilkie, C. A., Editors, 115-145 p., 2000

  • Lewin, M.
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    Synergism and Catalysis in Flame Retardancy of Polymers.
    Polytechnic Univ., Brooklyn, NY
    Polymers for Advanced Technologies, Vol. 12, No. 3/4, 215-222, 2001