displaying 511 - 514 results in total 514
Buist, I.; Potter, S.; Mullin, J.; Lane, J.; Devitis, D.; Schmidt, B.; Stahovec, J.; Urban, B.; Moffat, C.
view article (1.0)Fire Resistant Booms Tested in Flames at Ohmsett.Minerals Management Service, Herndon, VA; MAR Inc., Atlantic Highlands, NJ; U.S. Navy SUPSALV, Arlington, VA; PCCI Inc., Alexandria, VAPrevention, Preparedness, Response and Restoration: Perspectives for a Cleaner Environment. International Oil Spill Conference. IOSC 2003. Proceedings. April 6-11, 2003, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 1297-1302 p., 2003National Institute of Standards and Technology
view article (1.0)How Fast Can Fire Spread? CD Captures In Situ Burning of Oil Spills Literature. New Compressed Air Foam System for Aircraft Hangars. Daily Wildfire Information on the Web. Fire Service Emergency Vehicle Safety Initiative. FAAT...What Is It Good For? Inexpensive Residential Fire Sprinkler System Developed in New Zealand. Beginning the Third Year.National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MDFIRE.GOV, 104, Spring 2003U.S. Department of the Interior; Minerals Management Service
view article (1.0)Gulf of Mexico Information Transfer Meeting, 20th Annual. Proceedings. December 5, 2000.MMS 2001-082,Gulf of Mexico Information Transfer Meeting, 20th Annual. Proceedings. December 5, 2000, New Orleans, LA, McKay, M.; Nides, J.; Vigil, D., Editors, 479 p., 2000Mendelssohn, I. A.; Lin, Q.; Bryner, N. P.; Walton, W. D.; Twilley, W. H.; Roadarmel, G. L.; McLane, R. A.; Mullin, J. V.
view article (1.0)In-Situ Oil Burning in the Marshland Environment: AMOP, IOSC and LSU Report and Papers, 2000-2003.National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD