displaying 581 - 585 results in total 585
Brunacini, A.
view article (1.0)Fireground Action Planning.Fire Engineering, Vol. 163, No. 4, 78,80, April 2010Shouldis, W.
view article (1.0)Emergency Operations Center: A Vital Preparedness Tool.Fire Engineering, Vol. 163, No. 5, 71-72,74,76, May 2010Schultz, A. E.; Hutchinson, R. S.
view article (1.0)Seismic Behavior of Partially-Grouted Masonry Shear Walls. Phase 2. Effectiveness of Bed-Joint Reinforcement.Minnesota Univ., MinnaepolisNational Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, NIST GCR 01-808; Structural Engineering Report ST-98-6, February 2001, 440 p.Arson Prevention Bureau
view article (1.0)Fire Investigation in Scotland.2004, 26 p.Doan, D. R.; Floyd, H. L, II; Slivka, J.
view article (1.0)Applying Engineered Solutions to Deliver Arc Flash Safety. Part 2.Du Pont, Wilmington, DEPure Power, 18-21,28, Summer 2010