displaying 581 - 583 results in total 583
Therrien, R. J.; Ergut, A.; Levendis, Y. A.; Richter, H.; Howard, J. B.; Carlson, J. B.
view article (1.0)Investigation of Critical Equivalence Ratio and Chemical Speciation in Flame of Ethylbenzene-Ethanol Blends.Northeastern Univ., Boston, MA; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge; US Army SBCCOM, Natick Soldier Center, Natick, MACombustion and Flame, Vol. 157, No. 2, 296-312, February 2010Yang, Y.; Boehman, A. L.
view article (1.0)Oxidation Chemistry of Cyclic Hydrocarbons in a Motored Engine: Methylcyclopentane, Tetralin and Decalin.Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PACombustion and Flame, Vol. 157, No. 3, 495-505, March 2010Mensch, A.; Santoro, R. J.; Litzinger, T. A.; Lee, S. Y.
view article (1.0)Sooting Characteristics of Surrogates for Jet Fuels.Pennsylvania State Univ., University Park; Michigan Technological University, HoughtonCombustion and Flame, Vol. 157, No. 6, 1097-1105, June 2010