displaying 41 - 50 results in total 855
U.S. Fire Administration
view article (1.0)Appendices to Fire in the United States. Death, Injuries, Dollar Loss and Incidents at the National, State, and Local Levels in 1978. 2nd Edition.U.S. U.S. Fire Administration, Washington, DC2nd Edition, 1979, 177 p.National Research Council, Editor
view article (1.0)National Research Council, Washington, DCToward Safer Underground Coal Mines, National Research Council, Washington, DC,, Editors, 204 p., 1982Federal Emergency Management Agency
view article (1.0)Fire in the United States. Deaths, Injuries, Dollar Loss, and Incidents at the National, State, and Local Levels in 1983. 6th Edition.Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DCFEMA-144, July 1987, 276 p.Karter, M. J., Jr.
view article (1.0)U.S. Fire Fighter Injuries, 1982. Part 1.National Fire Protection Assoc., Quincy, MAFire Service Today, Vol. 50, No. 12, 16-21, December 1983Olsen, M. F.
view article (1.0)Westchase Hilton Hotel Fire. Part 1. Field Investigation Report. First Released March 24, 1982.Foundation for Fire Safety, Rosslyn, VAPart 1, March 24, 1982, 15 p.Olsen, M. F.
view article (1.0)Westchase Hilton Hotel Fire. Part 2. Toxicological Report. First Released September 15, 1982.Foundation for Fire Safety, Rosslyn, VAPart 2, September 15, 1982, 20 p.King, K.; Faerber, S.
view article (1.0)USFA Studies Fire Fighter Injury and Illness.Safety Sciences San Diego, CaInternational Fire Chief, Vol. 49, No. 4, 24-27, April 1983Rapkin, C., Editor
view article (1.0)Scope of the Fire Problem.Princeton Univ., NJSocial and Economic Consequences of Residential Fires, Lexington Books, MA, Rapkin, C., Editors, 1-23 p., 1983U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
view article (1.0)Prevention of Injuries to Children and Youth: A Selected Bibliography.Department of Health and Human Services, Atlanta, GESpring 1987, 78 p.Fire Journal
view article (1.0)How the Survey Was Conducted.Fire Journal, Vol. 77, No. 5, 61-64, September 1983