FireDOC Search

displaying 41 - 50 results in total 119

  • Novikova, S. P.; Manzhos, V. K.; Ksandopulo, G. I.
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    Inhibition of Acetylene Flames by Aerosol Additives.
    Kazakh Interbranch Science and Technology Center SHS, Alma-Ata, USSR
    China Ordnance Society. International Symposium on Flame Retardants Proceedings. November 1-5, 1989, International Academic Publishers, Beijing, China, Yuxiang, O. and Minxiu, Z., Editors, 708-713 p., 1989

  • Ogawa, T.; Itagaki, H.; Nabeshima, J.; Sakai, H.; Suyama, S.
    view article (1.0)

    Prediction of Spontaneous Ignition Behavior of Powdery Organic Peroxide: Effect of Temperature Dependence of Thermal Conductivity.
    Yokohama National Univ., Japan; Nippon Oil and Fat Co., Ltd., Aichi, Japan
    Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 23, No. 1, 73-87, 1990

  • Beever, P.; Crowhurst, D.
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    Fire and Explosion Hazards Associated With Milk Spray Drying Operations.
    Fire Research Station, Borehamwood, England
    Journal of the Society of Dairy Technology, Vol. 42, No. 3, 65-70, 1989

  • Zkorikova, G. A.; Kolesnikov, A. A.; Troitskaya, T. A.; Surov, I. V.; Rudakova, T. A.; Khalturinskiy, N. A.
    view article (1.0)

    Influence of Almuninium Oxide Trihydrate Particle Size on the Combustion of Polydimethylsiloxane.
    Scientific Research Institute of Films and Artificial Leather, Ivanovo, USSR; Academy of Science, Profsousnaya str., USSR
    Fire and Materials, Vol. 14, No. 4, 125-131, 1989

  • Finnerty, A. E.; Polyanski, S.
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    Powder Packs: A Passive Approach to Extinguishing Fire in Combat Vehicles. Technical Report. Auust 1988-June 1989.
    Army Ballistic Research Lab., Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD
    January 1991, 50 p.

  • Kaskan, W. E.
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    Extinction of Flames by Powders of Metallic Salts.
    National Science Foundation, Harvard University and Factory Mutual Research Corp. NSF/RANN Conference on Fire Research, 1975. June 25-27, 1975, Cambridge, MA, 90-93 p., 1975

  • Nash, P.
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    Portable Extinguishers: Standards, Design and Use.
    Fire Surveyor, Vol. 20, No. 3, 23-26, June 1991

  • Jones, T. B.; King, J. L.
    view article (1.0)

    Power Handling and Electrostatics: Understanding and Preventing Hazards.
    Rochester Univ., New York; Borg-Warner Chemicals, Parkersburg, WV
    Power Handling and Electrostatics: Understanding and Preventing Hazards, Lewis Publishers, Inc., Boca Raton, FL, 112 p., 1991

  • Polikarpov, D. P.; Bakhman, N. N.
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    Flame Propagation Along the Contact Surface of Metals With Wolid Oxidizing Agents.
    Inzhenerno-Fizicheskiy Zhurnal, Vol. 5, No. 7, 11-17, 1962

  • Langford, T. H.; Heffinger, J. G.; Musser, D. A.; Krajkowski, E. A.
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    Elimination of Rolled Powder Fires. Final Report. November 1987-March 1990.
    Hercules Inc., Radford, VA; Army Ammunition Plant , Radford, VA
    RAD-140.10; ARAED-CR-90013; ES-1A-6-8553, September 1990, 336 p.