FireDOC Search

displaying 41 - 50 results in total 78

  • U.S./Japan Government Cooperative Program on Natural Resources
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    U.S./Japan Government Cooperative Program on Natural Resources (UJNR). Panel on Fire Research and Safety. Volume 6. Fire Detection. October 19-22, 1976, Tokyo, Japan, 214 p., 1976

  • Zinn, B. T.; Powell, E. A.; Cassanova, R. A.; Bankston, C. P.; Tsoukalas, S. N.; Rhee, J. U.
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    Analysis of Smoke Produced During the Thermal Degradation of Natural and Synthetic Materials.
    Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta
    National Science Foundation, Washington, DC,
    U.S./Japan Government Cooperative Program on Natural Resources (UJNR). Panel on Fire Research and Safety. Volume 6. Fire Detection. October 19-22, 1976, TH9127.J2U58 1976, Tokyo, Japan, 1-48 pp, 1976 AND University of Utah. International Symposium on Toxicity and Physiology of Combustion Products. March 22-26, 1976, Salt Lake City, UT, 1976, 1976

  • Einhorn, I. N.; Grunnet, M. L.; Petajan, J. H.
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    Physiological and Toxicological Aspects of Combustion.
    Utah Univ., Salt Lake City
    FRC/UU-078; UTEC 76-254, October 8, 1976,
    U.S./Japan Government Cooperative Program on Natural Resources (UJNR). Panel on Fire Research and Safety. Volume 1. Toxicity. October 19-22, 1976, Tokyo, Japan, 1-68 p., 1976

  • Einhorn, I. N.; Grunnet, M. L.; Petajan, J. H.; Baldwin, R. C.
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    Physiological and Toxicological Aspects of Combustion.
    Utah Univ., Salt Lake City
    FRC/UU-070; UTEC 76-213, October 8, 1976,
    U.S./Japan Government Cooperative Program on Natural Resources (UJNR). Panel on Fire Research and Safety. Volume 1. Toxicity. October 19-22, 1976, TH9127.J2U58 1976, Tokyo, Japan, 1-68 pp, 1976 AND Vereinigung zur Forderung des Deutschen Brandschutzes, e.V. (VFDB). International Fire Protection Seminar, 5th. Volume 1--Topic No. 1. Volume 2--Topic No. 2, 3, and 4. Volume 3--Supplements. September 22-24, 1976, Karlsruhe, West Germany, 23-50 pp, 1976, 1976

  • Clark, J. E.
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    Decade of Fire: 1967-1977.
    American Chemical Society. National Symposium on Fire Safety Aspects of Polymeric Materials. June 6-8, 1977, Washington, DC, 1-3 p., 1977

  • Gooden, W. E.
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    Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA) Fire Protection, Life Safety, and Synthetic Materials.
    Tudor Engineering Co.
    American Chemical Society. National Symposium on Fire Safety Aspects of Polymeric Materials. June 6-8, 1977, Washington, DC, 1-41 p., 1977

  • Florence, D. M.
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    Novel Fire Test for Pipe Insulation.
    Armstrong Cork Co., Lancaster, PA
    Fire Technology, Vol. 13, No. 3, 199-210, August 1977

  • Warren, P. C.
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    Acid Index--A Property of Polymer Combustion.
    Bell Communications Research, Inc., Murray Hill, NJ
    U.S. Army Communications Electronics Command (CECOM). International Wire and Cable Symposium, 33rd. November 13-15, 1984, Reno, NV, 34-39 p., 1984

  • Meisters, M.
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    Horizontal Test Configuration for Determining the Smoke Characteristics of Thermoplastics.
    Celanese Plastics Co., Charlotte, NC
    Fire Retardant Chemical Association. Fire Retardancy in the Electrical and Electornics Industry. October 20-22, 1975, New York, NY, 1-15 p., 1975

  • Mack, K. J.
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    Polymer Flammability: Standards and Procedures in IBM.
    IBM General Systems Div., Rochester, MN
    Fire Retardant Chemical Association. Fire Retardancy in the Electrical and Electornics Industry. October 20-22, 1975, New York, NY, 1-18 p., 1975