displaying 51 - 59 results in total 59
VanHees, P.; Sundstrom, B.
view article (1.0)Calculation Tools at SP Fire Technology. (Abstract/Presentation/Visuals)Centre for Combustion Science and TechnologyNIST SP 998, May 2003,Extended Abstracts and Presentations from the Workshop on Fire Growth and Spread on Objects, March 4-6, 2002, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Peacock, R. D.; Pitts, W. M., Editors, 2003Sundstrom, B.; Axelsson, J.; VanHees, P.
view article (1.0)European Fire Classes for Cables: The Development of an Evaluation System.SP Swedish National Testing and Research Institute, Boras, SwedenFlame Retardants 2004. (Flame Retardants '04). 11th Conference Proceedings. British Plastics Federation and Interscience Communications in collaboration with the Association of Plastics Manufacturers, European Flame Retardant Association and the Fire Retardant Chemicals Association. January 27-28, 2004, Interscience Communications Ltd., London, England, London, England, 197-207 p., 2004VanHees, P.; Axelsson, J.
view article (1.0)Using the Cone Calorimeter to Predict Performances in the SBI and Other Fire Tests, and to Aid Product Development and Quality Control.SP Swedish National Testing and Research Institute, Boras, SwedenFlame Retardants 2004. (Flame Retardants '04). 11th Conference Proceedings. British Plastics Federation and Interscience Communications in collaboration with the Association of Plastics Manufacturers, European Flame Retardant Association and the Fire Retardant Chemicals Association. January 27-28, 2004, Interscience Communications Ltd., London, England, London, England, 209-219 p., 2004VanHees, P.; Azelsson, J.
view article (1.0)How to Use the Cone Calorimeter for Prediction of Fires and Fire Test Results and for Use as a Product Development and Quality Control Tool; New Developments.SP Swedish National Testing and Research Institute, Boras, SwedenFire and Materials 2005. 9th International Conference. Conference Papers. Proceedings. Organised by Interscience Communications Limited. January 31-February 1, 2005, Interscience Communications Limited, London, England, San Francisco, CA, 253-265 p., 2005Axelsson, J.; VanHees, P.
view article (1.0)New Data for Sandwich Panels on the Correlation Between the SBI Test Method fna the Room Corner Reference Scenario.SP Swedish National Testing and Research Institute, Boras, SwedenFire and Materials, Vol. 29, No. 1, 53-59, January/February 2005Andersson, P.; VanHees, P.
view article (1.0)Performance of Cables Subjected to Elevated Temperatures.SP Swedish National Testing and Research Institute, Boras, SwedenFire Safety Science. Proceedings. Eighth (8th) International Symposium. International Association for Fire Safety Science (IAFSS). September 18-23, 2005, Intl. Assoc. for Fire Safety Science, Boston, MA, Beijing, China, Gottuk, D. T.; Lattimer, B. Y., Editors, 1121-1132 p., 2005VanHees, P.
view article (1.0)Need for Full Scale Fire Testing of Sandwich Panels.SP Swedish National Testing and Research Institute, Boras, SwedenFlame Retardants 2006. (Flame Retardants '06). 12th Conference Proceedings. British Plastics Federation and Interscience Communications in collaboration with the Association of Plastics Manufacturers, European Flame Retardant Association and the Fire Retardant Chemicals Association. February 14-15, 2006, Interscience Communications Ltd., London, England, London, England, 247-254 p., 2006VanHees, P.; Maret, V.; Piechaczyk, A.; Dinkelmeyer, C.
view article (1.0)Development of ConeTools for the Euroclasses of Cables.SP Fire Technology, Sweden; Valenciennes Univ., France; Nexans Research Centre, FranceVolume 2,Interflam 2007. (Interflam '07). International Interflam Conference, 11th Proceedings. Volume 2. September 3-5, 2007, London, England, 1117-1127 p., 2007Janssens, M.; VanHees, P.
view article (1.0)Measuring and Predicting Burning Rate.Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX; Lund Univ., SwedenHazards of Combustion Products: Toxicity, Opacity, Corrosivity and Heat Release. Proceedings. November 10-11, 2008, Interscience Communications, London, England, London, England, Babruaskas, V.; Gann, R. G.; Grayson, S., Editors, 283-304 p., 2008