FireDOC Search

displaying 51 - 60 results in total 446

  • Seader, J. C.; Einhorn, I. N.
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    Some Physical, Chemical, Toxicological, and Physiological Aspects of Fire Smokes.
    Utah Univ., Salt Lake City
    National Science Foundation, Washington, DC, NSF/RA-760554; FRC/UU0069; UTEC 76-120, July 1976, 70 p.

  • Fields, D. E.; Cooper, A. C.; Miller, C. W.
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    Transport of Breeder Reactor-Fire-Generated Sodium Oxide Aerosols for Building-Wake-Dominated Meteorology.
    Tennessee Univ., Knoxville
    Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, TN, ORNL-6232, February 1987, 50 p.

  • Ebersole, J. F.; Vaglio-Laurin, R.
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    Assessment of Battlefield-Induced Aerosol Contaminants. Final Report. January 1979-May 1980.
    Aerodyne Research Inc., Bedford, MA
    Chemical Systems Lab., Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, ARCSL-CR-80068, September 1980, 99 p.

  • Williams, K. L.; Timko, R. J.
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    Performance Evaluation of a Real-Time Aerosol Monitor.
    Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, PA
    IC 8969, 1984, 16 p.

  • Voorhees, K. J.; Tsao, R.
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    Characterization of Aerosols From Fires. Summary of Year 2 Effort.
    Colorado School of Mines, Golden
    National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD, no date, 64 p.

  • Kamath, A. R. R.; Keller, A. Z.; Wooliscroft, M.
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    Reliability Assessment of Smoke Detectors.
    Bradford Univ., West Yorks, England; DHSS Works Group Directorate of Operations, London, England
    Reliability Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 4, 283-288, October/December 1981

  • Crook, J. W.; Hott, P. D.; Cooper, A. E.; Cummings, E. G.; Thomson, S. A.; Farrarand, R. L.; Lilly, C.; Heitkamp, D. H.; Weimer, J. T.
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    Subchronic Inhalation Toxicity of Polyethylene Glycol 200 in the Rat and Mouse. Technical Report. October 1979-October 1980.
    Chemical Systems Lab., Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD
    ARCSL-TR-81051, December 1981, 26 p.

  • Willms, H. I.; Siemund, B.; Lorbeer, G.
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    Opto-Computer-Tomographical Method for Measuring Smoke Density Distributions. [Opto-computertomographisches Rauchdichtemessverfahren.]
    Duisburg Univ., F.R.G.
    Fire Safety Journal, Vol. 6, No. 3, 203-208, 1983
    University of Duisburg. International Conference on Automatic Fire Detection "AUBE '82", 8th. Probleme der Automatischen Brandentdeckung. October 5-7, 1982, Duisburg, West Germany, Luck, H., Editors, 276-294 p., 1983

  • Owczarski, P.C.; Chan, M. K. W.; Ballinger, M. Y.
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    Airborne Radioactive Source Terms in Compartment Fires.
    Battelle, Richland, WA
    LA-9911-C-Vol. 1; LA-9911-C-Vol. 2; CSNI No. 83, October 1983,
    CSNI Specialist Meeting on Interaction of Fire and Explosion With Ventilation Systems in Nuclear Facilities. Volume 1 and Volume 2. April 25-28, 1983, Los Alamos, NM, 81-94 p., 1983

  • Jordan, S.; Lindner, W.
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    Behavior of Burning Kerosene, Aerosol Formation and Consequences.
    Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH, West Germany
    LA-9911-C-Vol. 1; LA-9911-C-Vol. 2; CSNI No. 83, October 1983,
    CSNI Specialist Meeting on Interaction of Fire and Explosion With Ventilation Systems in Nuclear Facilities. Volume 1 and Volume 2. April 25-28, 1983, Los Alamos, NM, 95-108 p., 1983