displaying 61 - 70 results in total 74
Consalvi, J. L.; Pizzo, Y.; Porterie, B.; Torero, J. L.
view article (1.0)On the Flame Height Definition for Upward Flame Spread.Polytech'Marseille/DME, Marseille Cedex 13, France; Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire, Saint Paul lez Durance, France; BRE/Edinburgh Centre for Fire Research, Edinburgh EH9 3JL, UKFire Safety Journal, Vol. 42, No. 5, 384-392, July 2007Rangwala, A. S.; Buckley, S. G.; Torero, J. L.
view article (1.0)Analysis of the Constant B-Number Assumption While Modeling Flame Spread.Worcester Polytechnic Inst., MA; University of California, San Diego, La Jolla; Edinburgh Univ., UKCombustion and Flame, Vol. 152, No. 3, 401-414, February 2008Pizzo, Y.; Consalvi, J. L.; Querre, P.; Coutin, M.; Audouin, L.; Porterie, B.; Torero, J. L.
view article (1.0)Experimental Observations on the Steady-State Burning Rate of a Vertically Oriented PMMA Slab.IRSN, Cadarache, BP 3, 13115 Saint-Paul-lez-Durance cedex, France; IUSTI/UMR CNRS 6595, 5 rue E. Fermi, 13453 Marseille cedex 13, France; Edinburgh Univ., EH93JL, UKCombustion and Flame, Vol. 152, No. 3, 451-460, February 2008Welch, S.; Jowsey, A.; Deeny, S.; Morgan, R.; Torero, J. L.
view article (1.0)BRE Large Compartment Fire Tests: Characterising Post-Flashover Fires for Model Validation.Edinburgh Univ., UKFire Safety Journal, Vol. 42, No. 8, 548-567, November 2007Fletcher, I. A.; Welch, S.; Torero, J. L.; Carvel, R. O.; Usmani, A.
view article (1.0)Behavior of Concrete Structures in Fire.Thermal Science: International Scientific Journal, Vol. 11, No. 17, 37-52, 2007Steinhaus, T.; Welch, S.; Carvel, R. O.; Torero, J. L.
view article (1.0)Large-Scale Pool Fires.Thermal Science: International Scientific Journal, Vol. 11, No. 17, 101-118, 2007Consalvi, J. L.; Pizzo, Y.; Kaiss, A.; Torero, J. L.; Porterie, B.
view article (1.0)Theoretical and Numerical Evaluation of the Steady-State Burning Rate of Vertically Oriented PMMA Slabs.Universit de Provence, Marseille cedex 13, France; IRSN, Saint-Paul-lez-Durance cedex, France; Edinburgh Univ., UKCombustion Theory and Modelling, Vol. 12, No. 3, 451-475, June 2008Zhang, W.; Olenick, S. M.; Klassen, M. S.; Carpenter, D. J.; Roby, R. J.; Torero, J. L.
view article (1.0)Smoke Detector Activation Algorithm for Large Eddy Simulation Fire Modeling.Combustion Science and Engineering Inc., Columbia, MD; Edinburgh Univ., ScotlandFire Safety Journal, Vol. 43, No. 2, 96-107, February 2008National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD,Biteau, H.; Steinhaus, T.; Schemel, C.; Simeoni, A.; Marlair, G.; Bal, N.; Torero, J. L.
view article (1.0)Calculation Methods for the Heat Release Rate of Materials of Unknown Composition.Edinburgh Univ., Scotland; Institut National de l'Environnement Industriel et des Risques, Verneuil en Halatte, France; Packer Engineering, Inc., Columbia, MD; Università di Corsica, Corte, FranceFire Safety Science. Proceedings. Ninth (9th) International Symposium. International Association for Fire Safety Science (IAFSS). September 21-26, 2008, Intl. Assoc. for Fire Safety Science, Boston, MA, Karlsruhe, Germany, Karlsson, B., Editors, 1165-1176 p., 2008Legros, G.; Fuentes, A.; Rouvreau, S.; Joulain, P.; Porterie, B.; Torero, J. L.
view article (1.0)Transport Mechanisms Controlling Soot Production Inside a Non-Buoyant Laminar Diffusion Flame.Université Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris, Saint Cyr-l'Ecole 78210, France; Université de Provence, 13453 Marseille, Cedex 13, France; Altran Technologies, Blagnac 31700, France; Laboratoire de Combustion et de Détonique, UPR 9028 du CNRS, Futuroscope, Cedex 86961, France; Edinburgh Univ., EH9 3JN, UKVolume 32; Part 2,Combustion Institute, Symposium (International) on Combustion, 32nd. Proceedings. Volume 32. Part 2. August 3-8, 2008, Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, Montreal, Canada, Dagaut, P.; Sick, V., Editors, 2461-2470 p., 2009