displaying 61 - 70 results in total 226
Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development (AGARD)
view article (1.0)AGARD-LS-123, 180 p.Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development (AGARD). Aicraft Fire Safety. AGARD Lecture Series 123. June 7-8, 1982, Oslo, Norway and June 10-11, 1982, London, England and June 15-16, 1982, Washington, DC, ['London, England', 'Washington, DC'], 1982Horeff, T. G.
view article (1.0)Aircraft Fire Mishap Experience/Crash Fire Scenario Quantitation.Federal Aviation Admin., Washington, DCAGARD-LS-123,Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development. Aircraft Fire Safety. AGARD Lecture Series 123. June 7-8, 1982, Oslo, Norway and June 10-11, 1982, London, England and June 15-16, 1982, Washington, DC., ['London, England', 'Washington, DC'], 1/1-6 p., 1982Lavoie, R.
view article (1.0)Day the Sky Fell In.Money MagazineSocial and Economic Consequences of Residential Fires, Lexington Books, MA, Rapkin, C., Editors, 139-147 p., 1983Cominsky, A.
view article (1.0)Study of Aircraft Crashworthiness for Fire Protection. Final Report. April 15, 1980-February 28, 1981.McDonnel Douglas Corp., Long Beach, CANational Aeronautics and Space Admin., Moffett Field, CA, NASA CR-166159, January 1981, 127 p.Hewes, V.
view article (1.0)American Dream--Improved Crash Fire Rescue Techniques.Delta Air LinesFire, Vol. 74, No. 921, 533-536,548, March 1982Thaler, H.
view article (1.0)Flight Path 1945 to Horror.New York TimesFirehouse, Vol. 6, No. 5, 39,42,44, May 1981Speitel, L. C.; Hill, R. G.
view article (1.0)Study of Benefits of Passenger Protective Breathing Equipment From Analysis of Past Accidents. Final Report.Federal Aviation Admin., Atlantic City Airport, NJDOT/FAA/CT-88/03; ACT-350, March 1988, 160 p.Noll, G. G.
view article (1.0)Air Crash: Everybody's Problem.Iowa State Univ., AmesFire Chief, Vol. 25, No. 3, 37-40, March 1981Morris, J.
view article (1.0)Life Safety and Sprinkler Protection.Fire Prevention, No. 209, 18-19, May 1988Horton, R. A.
view article (1.0)Bibliography of Joint Aircraft Survivability/Vulnerability Reports and Related Documents. Final Report.Naval Air Systems Command, Washington, DCJTCG/AS-80-B-004, August 1980, 73 p.