FireDOC Search

displaying 61 - 70 results in total 4589

  • Joh, T.; Mashige, J.; Yoshikawa, T.; Sugawa, O.
    view article (1.0)

    Numerical Simulation of a Compartment Fire From Burn-Up to Flashover.
    Century Research Center Corp., Tokyo, Japan; Meterological Research Institute, Ibaragi, Japan; Science University of Tokyo, Chiba
    International Association for Fire Safety Science. Fire Safety Science. Proceedings. 2nd International Symposium. June 13-17, 1988, Hemisphere Publishing Corp., New York, Tokyo, Japan, Wakamatsu, T.; Hasemi, Y.; Sekizawa, A.; Seeger, P.G.; Pagni, P. J.; Grant, C. E., Editors, 861-870 p., 1989

  • Jackson, J. P.; Nielsen, P. E.
    view article (1.0)

    Role of Radiative Transport in the Propagation of Laser Supported Combustion Waves.
    Air Force Weapons Lab., Kirtland AFB, NM
    AIAA-74-228, 6 p.
    American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA). Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 12th. January 30-February 1, 1974, Washington, DC, 1974

  • Edwards, A. L.
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    TRUMP: A Computer Program for Transient and Steady-State Temperature Distributions in Multidimensional Systems.
    Lawrence Livermore Lab., CA
    Atomic Energy Commission, Washington, DC, UCRL-14754, Rev. 3, September 1972, 265 p.

  • Greenberg, J. B.
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    Burke-Schumann Diffusion Flame Revisited--With Fuel Spray Injection.
    Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa
    Combustion and Flame, Vol. 77, No. 3 & 4, 229-240, September 1984

  • Turner, W. D.; Crowell, J. S.
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    Notes on HEATING--An IBM 360 Heat Conduction Program.
    Union Carbide Corp., Oak Ridge, TN
    CTC-INF-980, November 21, 1969, 52 p.

  • Turner, W. D.; Siman-Tov, M.
    view article (1.0)

    HEATING3: An IBM 360 Heat Conduction Program.
    Union Carbide Corp., Oak Ridge, TN
    Argonne National Lab., IL, ORNL-TM-3208, February 1971, 93 p.

  • Weber, R. O.
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    Thermal Theory for Determinig the Burning Velocity of a Laminar Flame, Using the Inflection Point in the Temperature Profile.
    University College, Campbell, Australia
    Combustion Science and Technology, Vol. 64, No. 1-3, 135-139, 1989

  • Wichman, I. S.
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    Continuum-Mechanical Derivation of the Conservation Equations for the Pyrolysis and Combustion of Wood.
    Michigan State Univ., East Lansing
    VTT Research Report 591, March 1989, 46 p.

  • Fan, B. C.; Sichel, M.
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    Comprehensive Model for the Structure of Dust Detonations.
    Michigan Univ., Ann Arbor
    Combustion Institute, Symposium (International) on Combustion, 22nd. August 14-19, 1988, Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, Seattle, WA, 1741-1750 p., 1989

  • Dwyer, H. A.; Sanders, B. R.
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    Calculations of Unsteady Reacting Droplet Flows.
    California Univ., Davis; Sandia National Labs., Livermore, CA
    Combustion Institute, Symposium (International) on Combustion, 22nd. August 14-19, 1988, Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, Seattle, WA, 1923-1929 p., 1989