FireDOC Search

displaying 61 - 70 results in total 116

  • National Fire Protection Association
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    National Fire Protection Assoc., Quincy, MA
    NFPA TXT-1A; LC Catalog Card No. 76-7090,
    Instructor's Manual to Accompany Automatic Sprinkler and Standpipe Systems, National Fire Protection Assoc., Quincy, MA, 52 p., 1976

  • McElvaney, J.
    view article (1.0)

    Performance-Based Design Review Process Used in the City of Phoenix.
    Fire Protection Engineering, No. 14, 8-11, Spring 2002

  • Caponi, V. P.; Jafir, A. Q.
    view article (1.0)

    Fire and Life Safety in People Mover Tunnels in Airports.
    Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority; Parsons Brinckerhoff Quade and Douglas Inc., USA
    Tunnel Fires and Escape From Tunnels, 3rd International Conference. Organised and Sponsored by Tunnel Management International. Proceedings. October 9-11, 2001, Washington, DC, 383-392 p., 2001

  • Comeau, E.
    view article (1.0)

    Rescue Air System: "Standpipe For Air".
    Fire Engineering, Vol. 156, No. 1, 109-112, January 2003

  • Mitchell, J. S.; Leyton, S.
    view article (1.0)

    Summary of Changes to NFPA 14, 2003 Edition.
    Sprinkler Age, Vol. 22, No. 2, 10,12,14, February 2003

  • Connell, B.
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    Central Artery/Tunnel Project: Boston, Massachusetts. Fire Protection Design.
    Fire Suppression and Detection Research Application Symposium. Research and Practice: Bridging the Gap. Proceedings. Fire Protection Research Foundation. January 22-24, 2003, Orlando, FL, 604-621 p., 2003

  • Wedemeyer, G.
    view article (1.0)

    Example Scenario Using an Incident Command Tractical System. Appendix F.
    Fresno Fire Dept., CA
    NISTIR 7193; Appendix F, January 2005,
    Workshop to Define Information Needed by Emergency Responders During Building Emergencies. Proceedings. APPENDIX F. May 3, 2004, Gaithersburg, MD, 25-31 p., 2005

  • Newell, J.
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    Engine Company Operations.
    Firehouse, Vol. 29, No. 8, 104-106, August 2004

  • McGrail, D. M.
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    Engine Company Standpipe Operations: Pressure-Regulating Devices.
    Fire Engineering, Vol. 158, No. 2, 63-64,66-68,70,72,74-76, February 2005

  • Dunn, V.
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    Firefighting Strategies for Heavy Timber Mill Construction. Part 1.
    Firehouse, Vol. 30, No. 1, 24,26-28, January 2005