displaying 61 - 70 results in total 1046
Merdinyan, P. H.
view article (1.0)Fully Approved On-Off Sprinkler.Grinnell Fire Protection Systems Co., Inc., Providence, RIFire Journal, Vol. 67, No. 1, 10-15, January 1973Hickey, H. E.
view article (1.0)Special Techniques for Hydraulics Analysis.National Fire Protection Assoc., Quincy, MANational Fire Protection Association. Fire Protection Structure and Systems Design. Open Learning Fire Service Program. 387-392 pp, 1982. and Hydraulics for Fire Protection. 297-304 pp, 1980., 1982National Fire Protection Association
view article (1.0)Standard for the Installation of Centrifugal Fire Pumps.National Fire Protection Assoc., Quincy, MANational Fire Protection Association. Fire Protection Structure and Systems Design. Open Learning Fire Service Program. 405-414 pp, 1982. and Standard for the Installation of Centrifugal Fire Pumps. 22-31,72-77 pp, 1978., 1982Courtney, R. G.
view article (1.0)Multinomial Analysis of Water Demand.Fire Research Station, Borehamwood, EnglandBuilding and Environment, Vol. 11, No. 3, 203-209, 1976CP 8/77,Dosedlo, L.; Bird, B.
view article (1.0)Origin of UL's Listing Requirements for Residential Sprinklers.Sprinkler Age, Vol. 8, No. 6, 14-15,44, June 1989U.S. Coast Guard
view article (1.0)Chemical Data Guide for Bulk Shipment by Water.Coast Guard, Washington, DCCG-388, 1966, 142 p.Moran, H. E., Jr.
view article (1.0)Effectiveness of Water Mists for Protection From Radiant Heat Ignition.Naval Research Lab., Washington, DCNRL Report 5439, February 16, 1960, 16 p.Rakoff, P.; Colucci, G. J.; Smith, R. K.
view article (1.0)Development of Fire Resistant Water Based Hydraulic Fluids. Final Report.E. F. Houghton and Co., Philadelphia, PADepartment of the Navy, Washington,DC, March 27, 1965, 19 p.The Sentinel
view article (1.0)Underground Fire Protection Piping, Continued.The Sentinel, 12-13, Second Quarter 1983Colletti, D. J.
view article (1.0)Class A Foam for Structure Firefighting.Coram Fire Dept., NYFire Engineering, Vol. 145, No. 7, 47-48,50-52,53-57, July 1992