displaying 71 - 78 results in total 78
Rohr, K. D.
view article (1.0)Update to What's Burning in Home Fires.National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MAFire and Materials, Vol. 25, No. 2, 43-48, March/April 2001Eaton, P. M.
view article (1.0)Flame-Retardancy Test Methods for Textiles.BTTG Fire Technology Services, Altrincham, UKReview of Progress in Coloration and Related Topics, Vol. 30, 51-62, 2000Musicant, R. J.
view article (1.0)High-Rise Fire Curtain.Park Ridge Volunteer Fire Dept., NJFire Engineering, Vol. 154, No. 6, 109-113, June 2001Yamada, T.; Yanai, E.; Naba, H.
view article (1.0)Study of Full-Scale Flammability Test of Flame Retardant and Non-Flame Retardant Curtains.Japan National Oil Corp., Tokyo, JapanAsia-Oceania Symposium on Fire Science and Technology, 4th Proceedings. Co-Organized by Asia-Oceania Association for Fire Science and Technology (AOAFST) and Japan Association for Fire Science and Engineering (JAFSE). May 24-26, 2000, Tokyo, Japan, 463-473 p., 2000England, P.
view article (1.0)Managing the Risk of Fire Spread Between Buildings.Warrington Fire Research Aust Pty Ltd., Dandenong, AustraliaFire Safety Engineering International Conference 2004. Issues and Solutions. FSE2004. Proceedings. March 22-24, 2004, Sydney, Australia, 1-19 p., 2004Rohr, K. D.
view article (1.0)Products First Ignited in U.S. Home Fires.National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MAHome Project Report, April 2005, 137 p.Kotresh, T. M.; Indushekar, R.; Subbulakshmi, M. S.; Vijayalakshmi, S. N.; Prasad, S. K.; Agrawal, A. K.
view article (1.0)Evaluation of Commercial Flame Retardant Polyester Curtain Fabrics in the Cone Calorimeter.Defence Bioengineering and Electromedical Laboratory, Bangalore 560 093, India; Indian Institute of Technology, Hauz Khas, Delhi-110 016, IndiaJournal of Industrial Textiles, Vol. 36, No. 1, 47-58, July 2006Chuang, Y. J.; Luan, C. P.; Chuang, Y. H.; Tang, C. H.; Lin, C. Y.
view article (1.0)Experimental Study of Fire Behavior in a Full-Scale Building Compartment With Different Spandrel-Curtain Length.National Taiwan University of Science and TechnologyJournal of Applied Fire Science, Vol. 15, No. 2, 101-118, 2006-2007