FireDOC Search

displaying 71 - 80 results in total 93

  • Carino, N. J.; Meeks, K. W.
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    Curing of High-Performance Concrete for Strength: What Is Sufficient?
    National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD; Tri-State Univ., IN
    Repair, Rehabilitation, and Maintenance of Concrete Structures, and Innovations in Design and Construction, 4th International Conference. Proceedings. American Concrete Institute (ACI). ACI SP 193. September 2000, American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, Seoul, Korea, Malhotra, V. M., Editors, 1-36 p., 2000

  • Nguyen, T.; Tang, H. C.; Chuang, T. J.; Chin, J. W.; Wu, H. F.; Lesko, J.
    view article (1.0)

    Fatigue Model for Fiber-Reinforced Polymeric Composites for Offshore Applications.
    National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ., Blacksburg
    NIST TN 1434, September 2000, 43 p.

  • Park, C. I.; Park, O. O.; Lim, J. G.; Kim, H. J.
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    Fabrication of Syndiotactic Polystyrene/Organophilic Clay Nanocomposites and Their Properties.
    Polymer, Vol. 42, No. 17, 7465-7475, August 2001

  • Carino, N. J.; Meeks, K. W.
    view article (1.0)

    Curing of High-Performance Concrete: Phase 1 Study.
    National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD; Tri-State Univ., IN
    NISTIR 6505, April 2001, 39 p.

  • Schneider, U.; Schwesinger, P.; Debicki, G.; Diederichs, U.; Felicetti, R.; Franssen, J. M.; Furumura, F.; Jumppanen, U. M.; Khoury, G. A.; Millard, A.; Morris, W. A.; Phan, L. T.
    view article (1.0)

    Recommendations of TC 129-MHT: Test Methods for Mechanical Properties of Concrete at High Temperatures. Part 4. Tensile Strength for Service and Accident Conditions.
    National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
    Materials and Structures, Vol. 33, No. 228, 219-223, May 2000

  • Nair, G. P.
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    Flammability in Textiles and Routes to Flame Retardant Textiles. Part 5.
    Textile Processing Consultant, Mumbai, India
    Colourage, Vol. 47, No. 12, 31-36, December 2000

  • Reinhardt, J. W.; Do, D.; Fayer, J.
    view article (1.0)

    Temperature Distribution Within Solid Metal Cylinders Subjected to a Standard Aircraft Engine Fire. Data Report.
    Federal Aviation Administration, Atlantic City International Airport, NJ
    Department of Transportation, Washington, DC, DOT/FAA/AR-04/1, April 2004, 38 p.

  • Song, L.; Hu, Y.; Li, B.; Wang, S.; Fan, W.; Chen, Z.
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    Study on the Synthesis and Properties of Polyurethane/Clay Nanocomposites.
    International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization, Vol. 8, No. 5, 317-326, 2003

  • Liu, K.; Xu, G.; Voyer, R.
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    Durability and Cold Temperature Performance of SBS-Modified Bituminous Roofing Membranes.
    National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario
    Roofing Research and Standards Development, Fifth Symposium. Volume 5. Proceedings. ASTM STP 1451. December 7, 2003, Tampa, FL, Rossiter, W. J.; Wallace, T. J., Editors, 97-118 p., 2003

  • Outinen, J.; Makelainen, P.
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    Mechanical Properties of Structural Steel at Elevated Temperatures and After Cooling Down.
    Constructional Steelwork Association FCSA, Finland; Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo, Finland
    Fire and Materials, Vol. 28, No. 2/4, 237-251, March/August 2004