displaying 81 - 90 results in total 1212
Stoll, A. M.; Munroe, L. R.; Chianta, M. A.; Piergallini, J. R.; Zaccaria, D. E.
view article (1.0)Facility and Method for Evaluation of Thermal Protection. Phase Report.Naval Air Development Center, Warminster, PANADC-75286-40, December 1, 1975, 19 p.Konicek, L.; Galbreath, M.
view article (1.0)Fire Protection of Horizontal Service Spaces.National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, OntarioBRE Note 108, February 1975, 13 p.Caveny, L. H.; Mackiewicz, A. Z.; Summerfield, M.
view article (1.0)Evaluation of Additives to Reduce Solid Propellant Flammability in Ambient Air. Technical Report. December 1, 1971-November 30, 1974.Princeton Univ., NJArmy Ballistic Research Labs., Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, BRL-CR-278, December 1975, 91 p.Saito, F.
view article (1.0)Evaluation for the Toxicity of Combustion Products.Building Research Inst., Iabaraki-ken, JapanBRI Research Paper 065, March 1976, 24 p.Tesoro, G. C.
view article (1.0)Flame-Resistant Polyester/Cotton Fabrics.Massachusetts Institute of Technology, CambridgeJournal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol. 21, No. 4, 1073-1084, April 1977Textile Research Institute. Research and Technology Conference, 46th. March 24, 1976, New York, 1977King, J. E.; Mattern, J.; Moore, L. J.; Parker, M. A.; Ramsey, S. D.; Simmons, J. M.; Young, D. C.
view article (1.0)Fire Protection Survey: Revisit No. 2. Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico. Technical Report.Factory Mutual Research Corp., Norwood, MADepartment of Energy, Washington, DC, DOE/EH-79072-T2, November 1989, 252 p.Stahl, F. A.
view article (1.0)Open Planning and Office Landscaping: Are They Valid? Can They Be Used Safely? An Architect's View.Stahl/Bennett, Inc., Boston, MACleveland State University. Fire Protection in Interior Design. Conference Proceedings. April 10-11, 1975, Cleveland, OH, 105-118 p., 1976Gratz, D. B.; Hawkins, R. E.
view article (1.0)Evaluation of Residential Smoke Detector Performance Under Actual Field Conditions. Final Report. Phase 1.International Association of Fire Chiefs Foundation, Washington, DCU.S. Fire Administration, Washington, DC, FEMA/FA-15, June 1980, 50 p.Jouany, J. M.; Boudene, C.; Truhaut, R.
view article (1.0)Physiogram as a Method for the Evaluation of Toxicity of Combustion Products in Controlled Ventilation Experiments.Institut Europeen d'Ecologie, Metz, France; Faculte de Pharmacie de PARIS-SUD, Chatenay-Malabry, France; Faculte de Pharmacie de PARIS-V, FranceUniversity of Utah. International Symposium on Toxicity and Physiology of Combustion Products. March 22-26, 1976, Salt Lake City, UT, 1-43 p., 1976Association of Cantonal Fire Insurance Carriers Office of Fire Prevention for Industry and Trade (AECA/SPI)
view article (1.0)Evaluation of Fire Hazards and Determining Protective Measures (Gretener's Method).Association of Cantonal Fire Insurance Carriers Office of Fire Prevention for Industry and Trade (AECA/SPI)Bern -Zurich AECA/SPI Bulletin, 1-22, August 1973