FireDOC Search

displaying 81 - 90 results in total 347

  • Rua, L.; Condit, D. A.; Nakos, S. T.; Orsi, J.
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    Performance of Flame Retarded Flexible Polyurethane Foam Cushioning in Upholstered Furniture Under Smoldering and Flaming Conditions.
    Olin Corp., New Haven, CT
    Society of the Plastics Industry, Inc. Polyurethanes--Looking Ahead to the Eighties. S.P.I. 25th Annual Urethane Division Technical Conference. October 29-31, 1979, Scottsdale, AZ, 97-106 p., 1979

  • Day, M.; Suprunchuk, T.; Wiles, D. M.
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    Technique for Evaluating the Smolder Resistance of Loose Fiber Fill Cellulose Insulation. Part 2. Improved Methodology.
    National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario
    Journal of Consumer Product Flammability, Vol. 7, No. 1, 3-14, March 1980

  • Donaldson, D. J.; Harper, R. J.
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    Boron-Nitrogen-Phosphorus System for Imparting Smolder Resistance to Upholstery Fabrics.
    Department of Agriculture, New Orleans, LA
    Journal of Consumer Product Flammability, Vol. 7, No. 1, 40-47, March 1980

  • McCormack, J. A.; Damant, G. H.; Hilado, C. J.
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    Flammability Studies of 700 Articles of Upholstered Furniture.
    Bureau of Home Furnishings and Thermal Insulation, North Highlands, CA; Product Safety Corp., Sunnyvale, CA
    Journal of Fire Sciences, Vol. 6, No. 2, 121-138, March/April 1988
    International Conference on Fire Safety, 13th. Volume 13. January 11-15, 1988, Millbrae, CA, 145-158 p., 1988

  • DeRosa, M. I.; Litton, C. D.
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    Utilization of Smoke Properties for Predicting Smoke Toxicity.
    Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, PA
    IC 9206,
    U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines. Recent Developments in Metal and Nonmetal Mine Fire Protection. Bureau of Mines Technology Transfer Seminars. IC 9206. October 18-19; October 20-21; November 1-2; and November 3-4, 1988, Denver, CO; Detroit, MI; Las Vegas, NV; and Spokane, WA, 72-77 p., 1988

  • Day, M.; Suprunchuk, T.; Wiles, D. M.
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    Technique for Evaluating the Smolder Resistance of Loose Fiber Fill Cellulose Insulation.
    National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario
    Journal of Consumer Product Flammability, Vol. 6, No. 4, 233-241, December 1979

  • Schaffer, E. L.
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    Smoldering Initiation in Cellulosics Under Prolonged Low-Level Heating.
    Department of Agriculture, Madison, WI
    Fire Technology, Vol. 16, No. 1, 22-28, February 1980

  • Rogers, F. E.; Ohlemiller, T. J.
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    Smolder Characteristics of Flexible Polyurethane Foams.
    Princeton Univ., NJ
    Journal of Fire and Flammability, Vol. 11, No. 1, 32-44, January 1980
    National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD,

  • Siddiqui, S. A.; Hillier, R. L.; Damant, G. H.
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    Effect of Fire Retardant Formulations on the Fire Properties of Cellulose Insulation.
    California Bureau of Home Furnishings, North Highlands
    Fire Retardant Chemicals Association. Fire Safety Progress in Regulations, Technology and New Products. Fall Conference. October 18-21, 1987, Fire Retardant Chemicals Assoc., Lancaster, PA, Monterey, CA, 15-24 p., 1987

  • Harpe, S. W.; Christian, W. J.
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    Challenge for Smoke Detectors: UL's New Smoldering Smoke Test.
    Underwriters Labs., Northbrook, IL
    SFPE Bulletin, No. 79-4, 1,12-16, September 1979 <b>AND</b> Lab Data, 16-22, Spring 1979,