- Author
- Putorti, A. D., Jr. | Evans, D. D. | Tennyson, E. J.
- Title
- Ignition of Weathered and Emulsified Oils.
- Coporate
- National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
- Report
- NIST SP 995; Volume 2, March 2003,
- Book or Conf
- Environment Canada. Arctic and Marine Oil Spill Program (AMOP) Technical Seminar, 17th Proceedings. Volume 1. June 8-10, 1994, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Vancouver, British Columbia, 657-667 p., ['1994', '2003']
- Keywords
- oil spills | in situ combustion | oils | emulsions | experiments | ignition time | thermal radiation | diesel fuels | pool fires | in situ burning
- Identifiers
- Newfoundland Offshore Burn Experiment (NOBE)
- Abstract
- In situ burning of oil spills has been shown to be a rapid means of removing oil from the water surface. Although fresh oil is usually easily ignited, the ability to ignite weathered oils and water-in-oil emulsions is less certain. This paper presents results from laboratory experiments that measure the ignition times for oils and emulsions when heated by thermal radiation. Measurements of thermal radiation for diesel fuel pool fires of various sizes likely to be used for oil spill ignition are combined with the laboratory measurements of ignition times to provide a guide for ignition of weathered and emulsified oils under no wind conditions.