FireDOC Search

Lougheed, G. D. | McCartney, C. J.
Balcony Spill Plumes: Full-Scale Experiments. Part 2.
National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario
ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 114, No. 1, 355-368, 2008
plumes | large scale fire tests | experiments | equations | codes | standards | computational fluid dynamics | smoke flow | atria | compartments | data analysis | flow rate | mass flow | entrainment | draft curtains | NFPA 92B
steady fires in a compartment with an attached balcony; typical temperature trends for center atrium thermocouple tree; smoke interface height; mass entrainment in the simulated atrium; entrainment coefficient for tests with draft curtains; entrainment coefficient for tests without draft curtains; plume mass flow at the end of the balcony
The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) initiated a project to evaluate the balcony spill plume equation used in North American codes and standards (RP-1247). AHRAE engaged the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) to use computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling and full-scale experiments to investigate smoke flow in balcony spill plumes and the resulting mechanical exhaust requirements for an atrium. Part 2 of the research paper reports results of the measurements in the simulated atrium area. It includes an analysis of the data to estimate the mass flow rate at the end of the balcony and the air entrainment in the atrium space. The experimental entrainment rates are compared with algebraic equations, which are used to estimate the mass flow in an atrium.