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Sigler, P. A.
Relative Slipperiness of Floor and Deck Surfaces.
National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC
BMS 100, July 1, 1943, 14 p.
floors | tests | floor coverings | oily materials | carbides
A new pendulum-type machine and a method for determining the relative slipperiness of floor surfaces under various conditions are described. The surfaces were tested when dry and clean, dry and dirty, wet and clean, wet and dirty, wet and soapy, and in a few cases, oily. The results of tests of various floor materials are given, including such general types as stone, terrazzo, cement-mortar, magnesite, ceramic tile, metal, asphalt, rubber, linoleum, and wood. The surfaces of the materials were tested after grinding them with No. 180 silicon carbide. Tests were also made of the original surfaces of many of the materials. The test data show the effect of different wax finishes on the antislip properties of several selected floor materials. In general, considerable difference in slipperiness was found between dry and wet surfaces. Most of the floor materials showed satisfactory antislip properties when dry. Many would be classed as hazardous when wet.