- Author
- Slye, O. M.
- Title
- Prevention and Suppression of Fires in Large Aboveground Atmospheric Storage Tanks.
- Coporate
- Loss Control Associates, Inc.
- Book or Conf
- Fire Suppression and Detection Research Application Symposium. Research and Practice: Bridging the Gap. Proceedings. National Fire Protection Research Foundation. February 25-27, 1998, Orlando, FL, 280-309 p., 1998
- Keywords
- fire suppression | fire detection | fire research | fire safety | storage tanks | petroleum | pipelines | manufacturing | flammable liquids | combustible liquids | tank fires | fire fighting | extinguishment | roofs | fire prevention | containment | boilover | fire detection | fire suppression | water sprays | water supply | prefire planning
- Identifiers
- type of tank design in case histories; cause of large aboveground tank fires; extent of tank fire by tank design; extinguishment of external floating roof tanks; extinguishment of internal floating roof tanks; spill containment and control; seal fires; full surface fires