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Manzello, S. L. | Yang, J. C.
On the Collision Dynamics of a Water Droplet Containing an Additive on a Heated Solid Surface.
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
Book or Conf
Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Royal Society of London, Series A. Vol. 458, No. 2021. Proceedings. 2002, London, England, 2417-2444 p., 2002
water droplets | additives | heated surface | droplets
An experimental study is presented for water droplet impingement containing an additive upon a heated stainless steel surface. A solution of 30% (mass fraction) sodium acetate trihydrate, CH3COONa3H2O was used for the experiments. The impaction process was recorded using a high-speed digital camera at 1000 frames per second. The initial droplet diameter was fixed at 2.7 mm 0.1 mm, and all experiments were performed in atmospheric air. Three different impact Weber numbers were considered, namely 15, 80 and 181. The droplet evaporation lifetime was measured as a function of temperature to determine the Leidenfrost temperature of 30% (mass fraction) sodium acetate trihydrate. Collision dynamics were investigated for each impact Weber number with the temperature of the stainless steel surface varied from 20 C to above the Leidenfrost temperature of 30% (mass fraction) sodium acetate trihydrate. The temporal variation of the liquid film diameter was measured as a function of temperature for each impact Weber number. Experiments were also performed using water for direct comparison of the collision dynamics to the additive containing droplets. The collision dynamics were observed to be different for water droplets containing an additive at low impact Weber number but became increasingly similar as the impact Weber was increased.