- Author
- Chen, C. H. | Jang, L. S. | Lei, M. Y. | Chou, S.
- Title
- Comparative Study of Combustibility and Surface Flammability of Building Materials.
- Coporate
- National Chiao Tung Univ., Hsinchu, Taiwan Architecture and Building Research Institute, Taipei, Taiwan
- Journal
- Fire and Materials, Vol. 21, No. 6, 271-276, 1997
- Keywords
- building materials | combustibility | flammability | interior finishes | wall coverings | classifications | cone calorimeters | test methods
- Identifiers
- Chinese National Standard CNS 6532; Japanese Industry Standard JIS 1321; Taiwan; major fires in Taiwan since 1993; classification according to CNS 6532; system of degrees of combustibility by Richardson and Brooks; names and components of test materials; test results