FireDOC Search

White, D. A.
Computer Modeling of Smoke Transport Onboard Ships.
Worcester Polytechnic Inst., MA
Thesis, June 1990, 116 p.
ships | computer models | smoke transport | shipboard fires | compartments | validtion | heat transfer
cold smoke; hot smoke; numerical methods; failure identification; model extension to cold and hot model
The focus of this work was the development of a computer code which predicts time dependent smoke concentrations in multi-compartment shipboard scenarios. The model incorporates many unique attributes, such as reactive HVAC systems, and the ability to change the flow network in mid simulation. These characteristics allow the user to investigate the effects of possible reactions to a shipboard fire or implications of various compartment and HVAC layouts. The model currently has been extablished for cold smoke simulations. A methodology for hot smoke modeling has been developed and tested on a two room scenario. The model has been created with the intent that it will be a design tool, executable on a personal computer with small CPU requirements on the order of a few minutes.