FireDOC Search

Janssens, M. L. | Grexa, O. | Dietenberger, M. | White, R.
Predictions of ISO 9705 Room/Corner Test Using a Simple Model.
American Forest and Paper Assoc., Washington, DC State Forest Products Research Institute, Bratislava, Slovakia Forest Products Lab., Madison, WI
Book or Conf
Interscience Communications Limited. Fire and Materials. 4th International Conference and Exhibition. Proceedings. November 15-16, 1995, Crystal City, VA, 73-83 p., 1995
corner tests | room fires | algorithms | geometry | heat flux | flashover | heat release | charring | ignition source
ignition burner flame; Quintiere's model of the room/corner test; U.S.-Slovak Science and Technology Program; mathematical modeling of the room/corner test based on the bench scale measurements; ASTM ISR Round Robin