- Author
- Kang, Y. | Hadjisophocleous, G. V. | Khoo, H. A.
- Title
- Effect of Partial Loss of Spray-on Protection on the Load Capacity of Steel Beams During a Standard Fire.
- Coporate
- Carleton Univ., Ottawa, Canada
- Journal
- Journal of Fire Protection Engineering, Vol. 18, No. 1, 5-27, February 2008
- Keywords
- steel beams | laod bearing elements | fire protection | fire resistance | coatings | methodology | thermal properties | heat transfer | temperature | equations | structural analysis | moisture content | specific heat | thermal conductivity
- Identifiers
- spray-on fire protection; protection loss; cross-section moment capacity; thermal properties of spray-on mineral fiber material; values of the constant c for Grade 350 steel; cross-section moment capacity; maximum midspan moment by finite element modeling