FireDOC Search

Boyd, C. F. | diMarzo, M.
Fire Protection Foam in a Radiative Environment.
Maryland Univ., College Park
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
Book or Conf
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). National Heat Transfer Conference. ASME 31st Proceedings. Volume 6: Combustion and Fire; Computational Heat Transfer in Combustion Systems. HTD-Vol. 328. August 3-6, 1996, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, NY, Houston, TX, McQuay, M. Q.; Annamalai, K.; Schreiber, W.; Choudhury, D.; Bigzadeh, E.; Runchal, A., Editors, 123-129 p., 1996
foam extinguishing systems | fire protection | radiant heating | experiments | thermal radiation | temperature profiles | ablation | heat transfer | combustion | foam expansion
foam characterization; foam testing apparatus; foam ablation model
Fire protection foams are effective in shielding structures from fire exposures. A one-dimensional, steady-state model is developed which predicts the behavior of a fire protection foam subjected to radiant heat input. Foam destruction rate, energy balance, and temperature distribution within the foam are calculated for a given radiant heat input and foam expansion ratio. Results indicate that the overall energy equation is dominated by the generation and evaporation terms. The convection term accounts for approximately 10% of the energy, and thremal diffusion is less than 1%. Experimental data are obtained by exposing foam samples to radiant heat input from a set of gas-fired panels. Temperature profiles are measured within the foam as the foam evaporates. The model results are within the experimental uncertainty.